Is weekly 1 - 1 with your manager = micromanagement?

My manager runs 1-1 weekly with me, and asks what have i done, why i didnt complete that work yet, etc. just a bit stressful Im just wondering is that micromanagement?

94 Participants
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SAP decaCoffee May 22

Weekly is really too much

Amazon IVY55 May 22

The 1-1 is your time to discuss what you want with your manager. Your manager should not be discussing your tasks ideally, unless you have been slipping on them and he is trying to coach you or there is an urgent deadline that he is trying to make sure you don’t need support on. But that should be rare, not every week.

Microsoft ElmerFu May 22

We have a daily stand up with every IC under my manager. So you need to deliver something every day!

Amazon getite May 22

1-1 weekly is fine. But discussing work during 1-1 is micromanagement

EPAM Systems fogeufj May 22

Then what should they discuss?

Amazon getite May 22

Career Advancement, miscellaneous stuff like team, strategy etc. little bit of work

Amazon we_slay May 22

Depends on how often you meet. My manager and I are in different countries. So, we only get to connect in that 1 hr every week. But, with my directs (in the same office), I have weekly informal conversations over coffee, and a formal 1:1 once a month.

Lyft eofn49 May 22

Weekly 1:1 is normal. But don't you have stand-ups to discuss work progress? Usually 1:1s are to discuss important items related to your career growth but since it's weekly, discussing your project is possible but not in a way that stresses you out. If you're missing your own estimates then it's better to revisit your approach and work with your manager.

VMware Blutbard May 22

Biweekly is best cadence. Weekly is micromanagement indeed.

JPMorgan Chase VP Tushar May 22

Ask him what he's been working on these days

EPAM Systems fogeufj May 22


ukHI37 May 22

It's only a proxy for harassment by Indians to Indians... Please learn the US law to protect yourself from micro-aggression etc. 1. You have the right not to respond 2. You have the right to take notes and send to your management chain if the 1:1 was purely venom 3. You have the right to file complaints both internally and in court for any mis-behavior etc.