LayoffsMay 25

Is working for Big tech still prestigious?


How working for Big Tech lost ‘dream job’ status
How working for Big Tech lost ‘dream job’ status
3,398 Participants
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CrowdStrike ErectBear May 25

Yes if you’re from Bharat

Morgan Stanley fvuT14 May 28


Albertsons filosfer May 25

Is asking stupid prestige questions on blind still prestigious?

CrowdStrike ErectBear May 25

Albertsons 🙇🙇🙇 prestige king 👑

ServiceNow Gutz_uu May 27

Apparently always 🤣

Investment Bank Glinda May 25

Owning your own business is "prestigious."

Amazon falseL7 May 27

So is ulcer, coming with it ...

Investment Bank Glinda May 27

That's true. There is nothing easy about running your own company.

Fortive BlueKippa May 25

Why only R@j's seem to care about prestige

Stripe fdKy47 May 25

An ordinary software engineer makes 50x local wage in India. It is equivalent of making 3m a year in USA. They have maid and servants at home. That’s why they are rich people by the time they got the job. They only care about prestige. If you get to middle management, you don’t take photos anymore, you only do oil paintings, with a prestigious mustache, horse and sword.

Meta F3h5es2te5 May 30

Oil paintings of a wife with a prestigious mustache, horse and sword? Must be fun to live there!

JPMorgan Chase mhWf36 May 25

Most has products with really bad UX design, so maybe not for designers

Atlassian m50 mike May 27

It never was

Atlassian mcbussy May 27

Never was

SAP babayaga44 May 27

What do you mean by Prestigious? Do you live to be prestigious or to be happy?

Cornerstone L1B H1B May 28


Amazon Taj Mahalo May 28

Who needs happiness? I need to be prestigious so my parents can brag about my success and make some auntie unhappy that her son is less prestigious

I only want to join, to get a brand value, bcoz according to our people, it was Microsoft who developed ChatGPT, not OpenAI.

Amazon AMZAWS May 28

Do tell I want to hear more about how Microsoft developed ChatGPT

Microsoft dad stuffs May 28

🥛 I think this is your glass of haterade.

Toptal igrdzelish May 27

prestige… how stupid this post is. when will we learn to care about what is actually important and not about what others will say about you

Stud justgradua May 28

Yeah. The only things what matters is the sum of dollars u can accumulate in one year before jumping to the next company