
Hiring process at BMS

Is Bristol Myers Squibb hiring process usually more than 1 month long? I have been “under consideration” for 40days now. Any insight is helpful! Thanks!

Bristol-Myers Squibb jG19 Aug 15, 2022

Yes, process is usually long but “under consideration” doesn’t always means they are considering you. (Unless they are communicating with you)

Bristol-Myers Squibb OHTR80 Nov 7, 2022

It depends so hard to give a general answer. Not all hiring managers move at the same speed. I’m general the hiring process from time of job posting to employee day 1 will take a minimum 3 months for FTE roles. Contractors will be faster

DMktgGuy Nov 9, 2022

I was participating in a process and it was faster. First interview: pre-screening by phone. 2 weeks later, video-interview with the hiring manager. 4 days later, the recruiter sent an email saying that they had other candidates that fit better.

Bristol-Myers Squibb edits Nov 14, 2022

Wasn't that long; ~3 weeks from application