
A simple hack to retire?

A friend of mine gave this idea: 1. You are a male and work for FAANG having TC +500$k 2. Find a female working for McDonald's 3. Have her sue you for sexual harassment (while visiting her workplace!), and make her go public about it 4. You get fired immediately 5. She withdraws her statement, saying that it was someone else probably 6. You sue her employer and newspapers for defamation and lost wages, say $500k * 40 years * 2 (PTSD) = $40M 7. You settle it out of court for $10M 8. You pay her $1M for her job (yes, she was a part of it from the beginning) 9. Jackpot, you can leave the US now. #personalfinance #investments #fire

john512 Jan 25

In point #6 How can you sue her employer for a mistake she made. You can sue her, not her employer. And you can prolly get $400 from her , forget about $40M 🤪🤪

Meta ioioiloloo OP Jan 25

Not quite, if it happens during her shift, in the McDonald's building then her employer is responsible. Same as if she put hot oil on your face.

Chime mbrvalu Jan 25

Thank god you made it as a code monkey because you would never have made it into Law.

HPE tyJp37 Jan 25

Alright Rajesh, it’s time for bed

Meta ioioiloloo OP Jan 25

I am Jewish

LinkedIn hyrda134bk Jan 25

Ranjuish you mean

ex-Striim LifeIsF*kd Jan 25

I hope she dies right before #5

Meta abcdz12 Jan 25

You sue your employer for your unjustified firing

Meta ioioiloloo OP Jan 25

At will employment.

Meta abcdz12 Jan 25

At-will employment doesn't mean a company is protected from an illegal termination

LinkedIn hyrda134bk Jan 25

Rajesh, why not just leave the US now??

Nike Kaptan24 Jan 26

Your mom doesn't want me to. She likes taste of my d**k.

LinkedIn k1ngG Jan 25

Just before #8, she uses AI technology to create photos and videos of you in the bed with her. She makes you pay the entire $10M to her.

Synopsys QuUi60 Jan 25

Can I attempt this if my TC is 🥜

Salesforce kyfvsi4(o Jan 25

This is the nerd version of ‘wild things’

Stripe jrcf37 Jan 25

Is it taxable income? If so you only get 5m

Meta seks2 Jan 25

Who hired you 🤔 bar is so low here starting to hit the earth's core