What does woman look for in a Man

Disclaimer: It’s long so read at your leisure. Controversial opinion in the end. ————- So I know this is not a forum for this talk, but on a recent post of wild fantasy, lot of ppl had their opinion and it made me think maybe something I have learnt over the years should write it out. I am also writing because I have few female friends whom I have seen getting abused by men and cinema in both Hollywood and elsewhere shows “a man” as something else than what I think it is. Finally can only write all this here because most of the things will be too controversial for society and I will get crucified if I reveal it openly. With that, let’s begin: When we talk of woman and a man, our society has seen a transition of “expectations”. When we weren’t a modern human civilization, a man and a woman’s job was very clear: Men go and hunt for food, and women help prepare the food and help bear babies for the man. Both man and woman back then were not much different than animals. Women will allow an alpha male to mate with her amongst all the males. Just like a female animal will allow a male animal who is stronger than others to mate with her. The definition of alpha male actually was apt during those times. The head of the tribe, the alpha male gets to have may women to have sex with. Bear kids while many others get the left overs. Then the modern human society developed. Until the late 60-70s even after Industrial Revolution and other things, women’s main role in a family was still to take care of household, bear kids and raise them while the man was looked upon as a “provider of family”. This was the last era of our human race having “strong men” as most men were strong providing solely for the family. After technology and education spread, our society had a remarkable change. Women started getting educated, entering workforce , becoming more self independent and not dependent upon a man to take care of them and provide for them. I personally believe it’s good as I believe both men and women should be empowered to meander life all by themselves if needed. So I strongly encourage ambition and dreams in women. However, there has been a downside with this. Society started lowering the expectations from a man and increasing expectation from a woman. A man was no longer responsible to be the provider of family. Women started competing with men in jobs and outside of household. This led to a “feminism” wave. This was the era starting late 80s or so that we started raising “weak men”. Men literally all over world forgot what means to be a man. And what we got are lot of feminine men who were actually beta but always felt they are alpha. This is the core problem our society faces now. What’s that ? Well, our society started raising kids as weak men, but it never realized that internally there has nothing changed between women’s biology. We are still animals and no different than other species Women still want an alpha male. But the current world leads them to have all feminine men who are beta. This is one of the reasons why many women are not able to find the right man yet. This brings to what does women actually want in a man: A woman want a man who is dominant. Who dominates her in the bed like an animal. Who just like a male lion , goes on top of her and starts devouring her. But there is a slight nuance. Our cinema has destroyed the very definition of what dominance means. It shows the character of Christian Grey in 50 Shades of Grey as dominant. That someone who fucks you like a dog but he loves you. He cares about you. That’s the problem. That’s wrong. And that has led to many young and even older women still getting abused by such men. You see, a dominant man is not one who dominates your LIFE. A dominant man is one who dominates you SEXUALLY. Rip your panties out, fuck you in the ass like a dog but the moment the sex is over, you are as equal to him as he considers himself. He is dominant who doesn’t get insecure because you are now going to meet your high school male friend or going to have a lunch with your male colleague, something they portrayed in the movie as “possessiveness”. A dominant man is never insecure of himself. The moment he is insecure he isn’t dominant anymore. Being centered is the whole crux of being dominant. Dominance is about a man who is a women’s best cheerleader when she succeeds and her best cushion when she falls. Dominance is about a man who wants a women to grow with him - professionally , personally. Not who is getting mind fucked because of him. Somme who cares for her but subtly. Who doesn’t texts her every day asking what she ate or where she is. He wants strong, independent woman. If she is not mature to handle things herself, there is nothing interesting in her for him. There is a very thin line of difference between dominance and abusive behavior. 50 shades of grey character is abusive man. And it portrays very wrong impression to young girls what a dominant man is. This brings to my last point which is going to be very controversial so you can ignore if you want. - Most women want rough sex in bed. The stronger and more ambitious the woman in her career more the desire to be tamed by a strong man in bed. There is actual truth to the studies that many woman do fantasize about rough , dominating sex which is also loosely referred in popular culture as “rape fantasy”. I dislike the term as no woman wants to be raped. But what it basically means is that many woman do have fantasy of being completely dominated and taken over by a man in bed. Just like a male lion gets on top of a female lion and starts banging her. This IS OUR INNATE nature. We are no different than animals. And this is why true dominant men get turned on more by a woman with great butt than that with great boobs. Because men who are intrinsically dominant and strong, they naturally have an inclination towards great butt than great boobs - as big butt in a woman is usually a sign of her being able to bear healthy babies. Again, many don’t know this yet, but those who get turned on by butt more than breasts have this trait in them of dominance. If you don’t have a good butt most likely your man isn’t an alpha dominant man. And that’s ok. There is nothing wrong with not having a dominant man. Just that don’t be deluded into thinking his abusive behavior as dominant. He ain’t dominant. This is also the reason ppl like me end up doing wild fantasy fuck because it brings out our innate wild dominant nature as animals - they don’t need to go to a room and have sex. Long story short, woman want a dominant man. A true dominant. An alpha male- who is centered, doesn’t get ruffled easily. Has a very protective feeling towards all woman, is the best cheerleader for her when she succeeds, the best cushion for her when she falls, wants her to have the ambition to reach the stars while making sure she is totally submissive to her in the bed. A good physique , smells good is all perks and bonus. But main character is be true dominant. Don’t grovel , who has an ambition in life for himself yet has a subtle care for her woman. That’s all there is to it between a man and woman.

HCL pj143uk Jan 6

Google futluse Jan 6

Cool story, bro. If I had the chatgpt app, I’d get a summary

Amazon banana<3 Jan 6

“When we weren’t a modern human civilization, a man and a woman’s job was very clear: Men go and hunt for food, and women help prepare the food and help bear babies for the man.” Actually recent findings in Archeology show that women were frequently involved in hunting in ancient/prehistoric times. A lot of the “men hunt women gather” rhetoric we learned was speculative and flat out inaccurate. Not saying it was 50/50 but it’s a simplification of the reality of things. See: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/ “And this is why true dominant men get turned on more by a woman with great butt than that with great boobs. Because men who are intrinsically dominant and strong, they naturally have an inclination towards great butt than great boobs - as big butt in a woman is usually a sign of her being able to bear healthy babies.” Totally lost me here. Breasts are also a good indicator of fertility, and male preference towards one or another has nothing to do with their “dominance”.

AstraZeneca abc_ok OP Jan 7

No it’s not. The innate function of procreation is to have offspring. That is the most basic function of mating. And this sentiment is inherently inconspicuously present in men. Women who have bigger butt tend to have easier ability to bear child. Also smarter offsprings. https://www.iheart.com/content/2019-02-15-study-women-with-big-butts-are-smarter-and-produce-smarter-children/ https://healthnews.com/family-health/pregnancy/what-does-it-mean-to-have-childbearing-hips/ There is a reason wide pelvic is also known as childbearing hips

AstraZeneca abc_ok OP Jan 7

The reason I wrote such a long rant also is that off late we are seeing many ppl posting here about issues in their marriage , that their wife is disrespectful to them. That she is abusing their family members and what not. The simple reason and solution actually is what made me write this. Women find nice guys as weak. It’s sad as nice guys are difficult to find but as I wrote everything above, women don’t find nice guys attractive. They find them weak and if you are nice and “submissive” to a woman, she will lose interest in you and treat you like a pecking object. Most women want their guy to fight with them. Argue and don’t relent. It makes them feel their man isn’t some nice guy who will give up. This is also the reason why most women grovel for a bad guy no matter how croook he might be while friendzone nice guys.

AstraZeneca abc_ok OP Jan 7

No. Sorry but you didn’t understand the point. When I say nice men, it’s not what I wrote above. Nice guys are what we see quite often nowadays. Guys who don’t argue at all with their wives or gf. Who are always there. Who just agree to almost everything. That kind of guys don’t last long for women. Women want a guy who doesn’t always agree to them. Who does fight and argue wit them. When I say argue I don’t mean meaningless argument. I meant where guys are taking a stand for their point. For themselves abd not just blindly conceeding it to her gf. Of course no one wants a person who is unnecessary arguing. Man or woman anyone. But woman also don’t want a man who is just always ignoring fights and arguments and “give up” immediately. They do want a man to be able to stand up for themself and defend their point with them. Nice guys nowadays doesn’t mean what I wrote. Of course that’s how a guy should be. But that’s not what we have nowadays. Nice guys now days are submissive types guys who just agree to almost everything a woman says.

AstraZeneca abc_ok OP Jan 7

It’s not about analysis. I just said what I think makes sense for women and men too. I like to observe life and ourselves as a society so these things are just my observations of what I have learnt. I don’t really go and meet someone with these in mind. It’s just how I have learnt things are And I don’t think you should seek a perfect person. There is no perfect person. Every one has imperfections. I have a lot. You just seek someone with whom your basic foundational principles match.

Google blinders1 Jan 7

While you’re describing what some women want the err in going about dating with this mindset of “women want it rough in bed” is that women (like men) aren’t one size fits all. There’s a good portion of women who want to dominate their partners in bed ie “dommy mommy” and a good portion of men who want that as well. Your template doesn’t account for the spectrum of all the individual personalities out there. I think a safer mindset would be “I find myself an alpha male who wants to treat a woman equally in a partnership but wants a submissive woman in the bedroom.” And then proceeding with dating in that mindset vs assuming that the majority of the women you meet also want that.

AstraZeneca abc_ok OP Jan 7

Majority of women do want that. And I am not asking to go with a mindset that she will have rough with me. You don’t think about sex when you go to meet someone. That’s an after action if you like them. The above is written what personality a woman generally seeks. And how you should be in your life with a woman to have good balance of relationship.

Google blinders1 Jan 7

“Majority of women do want that.” “The above is written what personality a woman generally seeks.” We’ll just have to agree to disagree. Some women want that, some do not. Definitely not a majority.