LayoffsFeb 10, 2022

Massive lay-offs in the R&D department at ThoughtSpot today

There has been a steady stream of layoffs throughout 2020-2022 and today was a big one. I wouldn't be surprised if bunch more people get laid off or leave on their own terms in the coming weeks/months. #layoff

Super Micro Computer isbd Feb 10, 2022

Rip they were at series F too

ThoughtSpot xxKO31 OP Feb 15, 2022

F stands for "Fired"

Snap telemio Feb 10, 2022

are they firing for IPO concerns or what? I heard they are doing great with revenue recently. This really came out of the blue

ThoughtSpot xxKO31 OP Feb 13, 2022

Yeah it caught everyone by surprise. They let go some very high performers in the company, which was absurd. They said it had nothing to do with the IPO but rather wanted to put more headcount on the product/feature that brings in the high revenue.

ThoughtSpot lack Feb 12, 2022

They said it's because of restructuring the teams. Will hire aggressively in other teams.

ThoughtSpot udzU72 Feb 12, 2022

Was it mostly Diyotta acquisition employees?

ThoughtSpot xxKO31 OP Feb 12, 2022

I call BS. They could have moved most of the staff to those new teams. But now they want to rehire the lost headcount? Makes no sense to me. My bet is on the equity they win back by firing them and give out weak equity packages to the new employees in the future.

ThoughtSpot bigspookey Feb 12, 2022

Just look at how many people have left these past 6 months and who left that should say something about the company.

VMware ;;;;;;; Feb 12, 2022

DM for vmware referral

ThoughtSpot mMow62 Feb 13, 2022

Who all got fired? Any Bangalore RnD Engineer?

ThoughtSpot rSIQ17 Feb 13, 2022


AtlassianG Feb 23, 2022

Ex thoughtspot engineer here. Dm for atlassian referral.

ThoughtSpot ItemGirl Mar 2, 2022

They fired a few good engineers, the erstwhile office receptionist is still on the payroll in the remote working setup.

Moveworks prdmgmt Apr 2, 2022

I heard that they fired again! True?

ThoughtSpot xxKO31 OP May 31, 2022

Not that i'm aware of? We were hiring a bunch of people the last time i checked.

Moveworks mwdatasci Jun 2, 2022

Which roles?

NVIDIA Kikilkhhh Feb 25, 2023

Is anyone aware of the current scenario at thoughtspot? Looks like they are hiring right now, and a couple of their roles look interesting