Meta Layoffs - Employees come join TikTok (Massive Hiring Quota)

Meta employee's who have been recently laid off... TikTok/Bytedance is actively hiring like crazy and Meta employees are prime candidates for these positions. If an interviewer see's you are from Meta, you will have an insanely high chance of passing your interview. My personal team is at 50 engineers and looking to expand to 170 by Q1 of 2023 so it's safe to say we are on a hiring surge. Check out levels to see how high our comp goes. Feel free to use this link in the first comment to apply to experienced positions with a referral! Let me know any questions, super happy to help! #Meta #TikTok #Layoffs

TikTok tiktok__ OP Nov 9, 2022

For Campus Hire (Referral code - F37PKCW):

Apple pfmd48 Nov 9, 2022

No diversity!

TikTok tiktok__ OP Nov 9, 2022

disagree, its just a china based company, so obviously majority of the company will be based there. Im not even asian and its great here

ByteDance 4love Nov 10, 2022

I am not a Chinese and still working here for three years, the company treat us very well, I didn’t find any discrepancies.

Amazon alpha93_ Nov 9, 2022

I'm interested. I'm an ML engineer working for Amazon devices who got affected by the current downsize

TikTok tiktok__ OP Nov 9, 2022

feel free to apply with the referral link below! best of luck man, you should get an interview with the referral

Amazon misapuku Nov 9, 2022

Current downsize where?

Meta dMuC40 Nov 9, 2022

Do you have a sense of a Product Design base salary?

TikTok tiktok__ OP Nov 9, 2022

super high, literally top of the market for product folks. Referrals apply for you as well, just adjust the filter.

Meta dMuC40 Nov 9, 2022

I will be talking to a hiring manager soon, but there’s another circle with an accountant? And those guys are slim balls. I want to be sure I won’t be lowballed

Amazon mumulland Nov 9, 2022

Tiktok is the king!

Meta dMuC40 Nov 9, 2022

Also, do you think the us stock regulators will allow bytedance to become a public company?

TikTok tiktok__ OP Nov 9, 2022

not currently, but potentially in 2023-2024. Even if not, the company is looking to introduce a stock buyback for US employees, so you can just sell it back for cash regardless of IPO

Rubrik Rivet’D Nov 9, 2022

Does your team have 996 culture. Also by hiring so that, isn’t TikTok having an inflated workforce

TikTok tiktok__ OP Nov 9, 2022

not at all, chill 40 hours in US. China employees do most of the grunt work

Amazon dzxcn Nov 9, 2022

That doesn't sound sustainable? Why pay Americans more to do less work?

Amazon luvkanye Nov 9, 2022

What’s the interview process like? Can you share details for how many rounds, what level of LC, system design?

Meta lo1Q Nov 9, 2022

How hard is the lc interview? My lc is a bit rusty

TikTok tiktok__ OP Nov 9, 2022

lc medium, but when they see your meta resume, your interview will be drastically easier and give you benefit of the doubt

Meta fizzbz Nov 15, 2022

@op I am about to schedule interviews in few days. What preparation shall I do? This is for TikTok Singapore, Software Engineer role.