Microsoft says AI will replace boring bits of jobs...sounds like BS to me

What do you think? Sounds like bullsh*t to me

Microsoft’s new Copilot AI agents act like virtual employees to automate tasks
Microsoft’s new Copilot AI agents act like virtual employees to automate tasks
The Verge
Meta elfd May 21

just buy $349.99 wireless keyboard with AI copilot button from Microsoft and it will do everything for you automatically. the future is here only 349.99

Microsoft copypilot May 21

Has anyone done a monthly subscription for batteries? 🤔

Adobe GoraPakoda May 21

So no more PMs?

Zscaler Gigajesh May 21


Amazon blubdg9479 May 21

PROJECT manager yes. Product managers no

Adobe GoraPakoda May 21

Can it jiggle the mouse for me?

EA 😭😡😂🌎🖼️🌄 May 21

Slack be like 👀

Google Ψ(•̀ᴗ•́)و May 21

Script an F15 keypress every 2min. Always wins.

Apple thisfinguy May 21

It will replace boring bits, that’s true. But also not boring bits and you! 😀

Microsoft copypilot May 21

Spoiler alert: you're the boring bits.

DataRobot lolnoa May 21

read “AI will replace boring Brits” and thought it makes sense lol

Amazon lpcsz May 22

We demand satisfaction, good sir. Pistol or saber - your choice.

Amazon yoyl May 21

I want boring repetitive tasks to do sometimes. I can't innovate 100% of the time and sometimes need a simple 6hr workday where nothing much happened

Amazon glXT53 May 21

Exactly. Trying to do something new always is stressful

Adobe GoraPakoda May 21

I am at a point where manager keeps asking me to build something shiny, something big etc. he won’t say what. Just do something big. He is not happy with normal feature development, bug fixes and taking the application forward. He wants me to do “something magical”. I want few boring days.

Microsoft de53 May 21

So no more ops work for me?

Amazon sirensong May 22

The softie sees something hopeful. This is an amazonian pms worst nightmare because it’s all ops.

LinkedIn bqwe43 May 21

It has replaced Google searching and filtering through answers for a general regex I can modify for my case. It has replaced creating mock data for some unit tests I would typically mock.

Google isb yu May 21

Paying employees is the most boring bit of all.

Snowflake ex-aviato May 21

Microsoft killing all the TPM jobs 🤣

Airtable CgES46 May 22

What do you think has a bigger market - replacing SWEs or replacing PM/TPMs? Hint: Meta has 20 SWEs for every PM. Which role is better defined and can produce output that can be easily evaluated? Now think which market will BigTech and startups will go after first?

Snowflake ex-aviato May 22

If you think AI will replace SWE you’re delusional. Every single industry today is powered by tech.