Misc.Oct 26, 2019

Attained escape velocity....AMA

Left home when I was 18, did horribly badly in graduation, cleaned toilets to buy gifts for gf's bday, evasdropped into a private tuition class about computer science, because I didn't have the money to buy the tuition, fought cancer twice, once for mother once for a close family member, lost both times. Was homeless. Walked to college 7miles, because didn't have enough money for a bus fare and a lunch, fought other health issues of father, he was temporarily disabled, bought a home by 30, paid it off in full by 33, lost all my money to a gold digger of a wife, came to America, filed multiple patents, been sued by a man wrongfully, lost it, he had his friend as a witness, I had no one, and yesterday, finally the doc gave me some good news...I have cancer and have less than 6 months....aah escape velocity finally. I am 39 years old...AMA

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Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

It is 250k, but most of it goes to chatiry

Microsoft enfd0 Oct 26, 2019

1) when will you quit work?, 2) what will you do with your remaining time?, 3) what would you change?

Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

Probably soon. Want to go back to India. I don't want treatment. I have seen it too many times that it doesn't work to pump your body with chemicals. I want to just travel inside India and visit those places people don't know the names of, and hope one day I die anonymous. I would only change one thing...when mum had cancer I ran after money, desperately, from job to job, like a white, to earn enough for her treatment, she did. But she lost being with her son. I am not sure if extending life is as important as quality of life. I would given a do over, change that, and stay with her, knowing I can't afford to treat her desease, but I can spend more time with her

Microsoft enfd0 Oct 26, 2019

I hope the rest of your time is extremely fulfilling OP. I agree, very much, with your last paragraph. Good reminder to us all.

AutoQueen Oct 26, 2019

Yikes. I'm sorry, man. Hopefully, you can find some joy in those six months. 🙏🏾

Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

Don't be...it is fine....

Amazon Joogt Oct 26, 2019

Go buy a lottery! With that shit luck you have been through something gotta give. Hang in there.

Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

Nah...I would rather give it all to something I care about like childrens Ed. That is one lottery that always will win

Autodesk tc_chaser Oct 26, 2019

When do you start cooking meth or start hunting criminals?

Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

Lol, I wish like was a movie....

Autodesk tc_chaser Oct 26, 2019

No but seriously why not take the rest of the time and money you have and make the people who wronged you pay?

McAfee ktFU67 Oct 26, 2019

Life is terribly unfair. I am really sorry. I wish you have a happy remainder of your life.

Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

Not so sure if it is unfair...it is what it is....it threw a few challenges at me, and I faced them my way, not sure if my solution was the best or not, probably not, most real time decisions are not a 100% right....

Overstock.com 🦕$🦖 Oct 26, 2019

Is Hock Tan going to keep you or is Broadcom giving you the boot?

Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

So far they are keeping me, but I will probably leave, like I said, I want to go back and travel the country....

Overstock.com 🦕$🦖 Oct 26, 2019

Good luck to you sir. I hope your remaining time on Earth is good.

Apple KGHP41 Oct 26, 2019

What flavor cancer do you have?

Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

Liver. They say it will kill me one day by suffocating me. As the liver grows more and more, it will push into the lungs and there won't be enough space left to inhale

Expedia Group frocaster Oct 26, 2019

Any idea what caused it? (Think it is hereditary)?

Facebook bl@ckmamba Oct 26, 2019

Jesus, this inspires me

Microsoft ozioma Oct 26, 2019

I’m so sorry to hear this. Praying that the remainder of your life is happy and you get to do the things that give you joy and peace.

Symantec _nullptr OP Oct 26, 2019

I am terribly cynical. I am at peace. When the doc gives you the news, you almost freeze, like ok...it is now...but you don't stop thinking...you think of the what ifs.....you life flashes in front of your eyes and then you almost empty your head of all the thoughts...reflections...and prepare yourself...I guess...you are not entirely sure if it was a mistake or deliberate...and then you realize... There are no more decisions to be made, no more fighting back or shouting back , you are empty completely, at peace!