Misc.Jan 20, 2019

“The devil we know” documentary on Netflix

Thoughts on this doc? This was the most evil depressing thing I’ve ever heard of a company doing. “Dirty money” was fucked up but this one seriously made me worry about humanity’s future. For anyone that hasn’t seen it TLDW: DuPont has been polluting the environment with a chemical called c-8 which has direct links to multiple cancers, and infant deformity. Its half-life far exceed our lifespan and now it’s been found in 99.7% of all people’s blood. After they got sued to for it, they turned around and just modified it to continue production

OwjS77 Jan 20, 2019

Watch the conspiracy theories show. Just one season. It will make you doubt everything you see around.

LinkedIn Brainbutt OP Jan 20, 2019

I’m more or less okay with - at least in the short term - large entities controlling politics and wealth. But when you spew chemicals into our water that can’t go away, I worry about future generations as these concentrations build. How will humanity survive if we no longer can give birth to healthy babies and die in our 50s to cancer

Walmart.com fiVn5$!Br Jan 20, 2019

There is so much disgusting crap in our environment that is not obvious until exposed. Environmental hazards like the shipyard thing near SF D:

LinkedIn Brainbutt OP Jan 20, 2019

It was insane they had an ex EPA director consulting for them, using his connections so that EPA statements corroborated with Du Pont’s. All the dirty emails leaks during the hearings. Who can you trust if the government entity designed to regulate this shit is in on it

Bose justme2k19 Jan 20, 2019

Man this is so scary and sad

Gusto qqqqqqqqz Jan 20, 2019

Those responsible deserve the death penalty