Tech IndustryOct 26, 2019

NetSuite certifications

Looks kind of pyramid-y, but I guess that’s Oracle for you. A handful of companies I’m interested in joining appear to consider NetSuite training either essential or preferred. The exams look affordable enough, assuming I pass and that sets up the opportunities I’m hoping for. I’ve heard they’re pretty basic, and it might be possible to get by without any firsthand experience using the tools, but I’m not certain how true that really is. The training courses Oracle offers look like a huge time suck, not to mention the ones I’d “need” cost on the order of a thousand dollars (even the $250 fee to take the developer exam is going to put me slightly deeper in debt). What’s the verdict on this one? (8 YOE software engineering, TC <$100k)

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Brightcove moosepuck Oct 26, 2019

Never heard of it but it sounds kind of scammish. The only education you should be paying for is from accredited institutions of higher education. Any other supplemental learning can be found online for free or in a book.

Eigen 🔥blind Oct 26, 2019

You must be a consultant.. I hate em. Long back I was pushed to work for Net Suite and I had to add on my profile.. Ban its a curse, I still get hit by recruiter asking for such a shitty work

Billups goohmba OP Oct 26, 2019

Worse, I’m a full time employee of a company that pays so little and offers such minimal benefits that consulting is starting to look appealing. Recruiters can take 15% off every paycheck I earn and I’ll still be getting 30% more TC, easily.