Joined American team for first time and they keep having “potluck”?

Smells so bad they keep bringing meat 🤢

SmartThings JaySreR@M May 2

Just tell them not to bring this all BS.

Meta hevsbw May 2


Salesforce KungfuCat May 2

Carry a Durian to next potluck

Amazon britishgp May 2

At least you have a team that does something other than work. Not a chance of this happening at Amazon.

State Farm bean0 May 2

It’s just food and snacks We had these in high school all the time, it was awesome

Microsoft dpLk61 May 2

This country has different customs and as a foreigner you should respect them as they respect your dietary choices. Some Americans do not like the smell of the spices we love but they do not tell me not to bring or eat.

SmartThings JaySreR@M May 2

You mean Native American Indians don’t like smell of European spices?

Apple 🍎 sauce May 2

@Op you’re the minority here. Delicious food smells good. Both bacon and masala dosa are treat to my tummy and nose. Learn and explore