Misc.Sep 22, 2018

electric cars, bay area

I just got a plug in hybrid. Now I realize how terrible our electric car infrastructure is. Seriously 3 spots for an entire mall? I mean I'm glad it's a PHEV, not a BEV. So I still have gas...but how on earth are we expecting people to adopt to the electric car if we can't even have a reasonable number of charging spots?

IBM Leetcode Sep 22, 2018

Problem with society is that it doesn’t adopt something until it’s necessary. FeelsBadMan

htHV20 Sep 22, 2018

Which mall?

IBM notinvhere OP Sep 22, 2018


Tesla embedder Sep 22, 2018

Yeah, I feel like infrastructure will definitely be playing catch-up to demand for a while.

IBM notinvhere OP Sep 22, 2018

That may kill it. For the electric car to work, we need spots all over town that are available. So people can top up wherever they go. Taking 4.5 hours for a level 2 charge on a volt....means most people won't even consider it. DC fast charge is great but kills batteries if used frequently. We need a way to make it so electric cars don't inconvenience people for their long charging times. While at the same time making sure the batteries last.

Tesla embedder Sep 22, 2018

Kill it? 😂 You’re dramatically overstating things. You should be charging your EV at home overnight, and the range of your vehicle should be able to support all of your typical daily driving, including commute to work, shopping, errands, etc. Public charging for EVs is convenient to help top off, particularly since earlier EVs have had a very limited range, but that’s hardly reflective of a normal use case as costs drop and average battery size increases. With Teslas, for example, superchargers are purely intended to facilitate long-distance traveling; they aren’t a substitute for the gas station down the street from your home where you fill up every few days. Doing so would wreck your battery, anyways. This is really a non-issue for most people. If someone isn’t charging at home, they should not have purchased an EV.

Neustar AdaL Sep 22, 2018

Get a car with longer range. That is the solution

SK hynix SassyPants Sep 22, 2018

You charge at work for free or own a house and charge with 110V.

Oracle crikey! Sep 22, 2018

US is largest producer of oil now. Many people buy electric cars because of subsidies and carpool stickers. Otherwise, the electric cars don't yet make economic sense. The batteries do a significant environmental damage too.

IBM notinvhere OP Sep 22, 2018

How? For the most part li-ion batteries are almost 100% recyclable. And are recycled. How are they harming the env?

IBM bbWI22 Sep 22, 2018

Looking forward to the SVL chargers I see.

Bank of The West GodsPlan Sep 23, 2018

Most electric car owners are simply doing it for the benefit of tax, carpooling sticker, claiming green status and social Symbol common in some races/ethnicity. Future is electric but the cars aren’t just there yet. Come back when you can drive from SF to LA without needing to charge the car.

IBM thisissam Sep 25, 2018

You can barely do that on an ICE

Bank of The West GodsPlan Sep 25, 2018

Do what ?

78910abc Sep 23, 2018

Either you should have done your homework before buying your car or charge at home and plan your trips. Who’s the person expecting you to go EV? Musk? Just so he can add to his millions?

Polaris funtime Sep 23, 2018

Unless you drive for a living this is really a non issue. Modern electric cars have enough range I have never even considered charging other than at my house.