Misc.Feb 22, 2023

I am scared!

First off, I am not a tech guy! Not sure if it actually matters, but maybe it’s adding to my fears. I appreciate technology so much and I believe it is making everything different to an extent that I can’t even imagine how people survived 100 years ago without technology. I know basic programming that I use in my work, and I’m always seen by non-tech people as the tech adept dude who should belong to tech. On the other hand, I love to stay away from technology as much as possible to have more fun at precious moments. So I prefer to build a castle or a scooter using Lego blocks with my kids, I don’t take photos when we go watch a good performance, and I see no problem with having the same phone for 6 years. As we are all getting trapped by AI news and how ML is growing so fast. In the beginning, I was so excited for the new tech era the world is going through. But then the more I try AI, whether chatgpt or other AI products, I feel more intimidated and actually afraid. Afraid of how fast the world is changing and I might be left out and would look illiterate to my kids. Afraid from the fomo pressure that there is something that could be done to benefit from the new technology evolution that can let my family live a better life but I am missing it out. Afraid that AI will probably replace me and millions of people because it’s doing things smarter, faster, and more efficient. Anyone else in the same boat? Thoughts? TC 200

LinkedIn |- Feb 22, 2023


Compass Chillon Feb 22, 2023

I don't look down on my parents bc they don't know how to use a computer. Do you? What's important in life are the skills you learn that help you deal with problems. Analytical thinking, resilience, emotional intelligence, self love and self confidence and so on. Those are the things you can provide your children and those are the things they will appreciate you for. The same goes for the rest of world. As long as you display those and a growth mindset you'll be fine

Nuance Bricka Feb 22, 2023

We need people to work not only because we want their products, but also because there has to be a legitimate way to distribute wealth. Even if most humans will be useless in the future, there will still be “jobs”. Otherwise the society will be a chaos.