Your manager starts canceling your weekly 1:1s. How many cancelations would it take for you to start looking?

Title. So I like the work and I like the people I work with. They're smart, work hard, and they'll do what it takes to make shit happen for me. (And I would for them too). But that's where the doubts start to creep in. My manager is really high up, like a couple levels from CEO and I'm an analyst. (not many ppl from CPG on blind so I hope this doesn't oust me) Coming from a really shitty firm before bounty, I took this as a positive. I mean, access to an advocate who has the power and confidence to say yes? Guidance and vision from 10,000 ft up? Huge visibility on like all projects? Someone who can actually impact my career? Come on, sign me the f up!! We get along great. And he cares about my development as well. 7 months back, I woke up and realized alot of the work I was doing was very similar to PM work. I asked him if I could officially transition to a PM role internally because I've been thinking about it for awhile. He told me they actually needed more PM focus on the digital/data side and asked me to build out roadmaps for products I think would add value. So I did. I even launched a couple products internally just last month. Nothing groundbreaking, by tech standards - it was just an excel add-in and a new dashboard that enabled us to track search rankings better. But it felt amazing. It's hard to describe, but there's a certain sense of satisfaction you get from seeing people using what you built. I wanted to work on more of these projects and be rewarded (financially or title bump) for the increased impact/value to the organization. I still haven't officially made the transition. But ever since the Nestle acquisition (they acquired bounty), he's been less available. I know he still cared cuz he called me right after the announcement to ask if I had any questions on anything. Was super open and I appreciated that. Then he started missing our weekly meetings. He would text me and say "sorry 52mbb, running late. Will join in a few." Sometimes he'd join, and other times he wouldn't. On the times he didn't make it, I chalked it up to him being busy dealing with high level stuff above my pay grade. Every time he would text me to move our check-in, I'd reply with "no worries! I'll work with [assistant] to reschedule." Our text history gradually became filled with these messages and looking back, I wonder if he's still the right manager for me. I know I want to get out of CPG and into tech, but he was a major factor holding me back. But just the last couple of weeks, he canceled two 1:1s in a row, and postponed my perf review twice. Now I'm pondering if this a valid enough reason to start looking or is it petty of me to even think that way..? I'm sure there are issues he's dealing with on the integration, teams being restructured and etc. If you were me, what would you do? I guess there isn't really a point to any of this and if you've made it this far, thanks for reading. Just needed to tell anyone who would listen.. Happy Thanksgiving! Blind tax: 🦃🦃 #tech #e-commerce #managers

103 Participants
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Siemens peekachoo☺ Nov 23, 2021


MongoDB MongoEngr Nov 23, 2021

I think he's just busy. Given it's holiday seasons and people are taking days off, management can get crunched for time. Also, a few positions from CEO will also indicate that. I don't think he means anything badly - he's just pressed for time. If you had a meeting to evaluate a $5m contract or have a 30 mins 1:1 with an engineer, what would you pick? (Hypothetical situation but you get the idea)

Amazon a- to z- Nov 23, 2021

+1 to this

The Nature’s Bounty 52Mbb OP Nov 23, 2021

True, I would prioritize that hypothetical evaluation too. Appreciate the perspective

Rubrik qtd Nov 23, 2021

why do you want to talk to him or her so eagerly?

The Nature’s Bounty 52Mbb OP Nov 23, 2021

Usually, I lead these convos, and I just value any amount of time spent getting his feedback, opinions, and pov on stuff. I don't want to give that up, especially with someone as high up as him

hugh jarse Nov 23, 2021

stop being a victim. iow man up and stay. absentee boss is best boss

Instacart whydmvwhy Nov 23, 2021

More likely, he could be going though things in his professional or personal life that has nothing to do with you, and he trusts you to be able to autopilot. If you enjoy your work otherwise i don't see why you should start looking. Find a mentor if you don't get enough guidance for career growth from your manager.

Amazon a- to z- Nov 23, 2021

I wouldn't really blame a manager 2 hops below the CEO for just missing 1:1s, unless he's actively making your life difficult or hindering your progress massively. Now, if after the perf review you believe you're underappreciated, particularly financially, then yes do consider a move.

The Nature’s Bounty 52Mbb OP Nov 23, 2021

Thanks for the perspective. I know I'm underpaid now (80k) but hoping for an increase after the review. My only concern is that even if he wanted to pay me more, not sure if he'd be able to raise me more than 10-15k. It would still be nice, but I'm looking for like 50%, which is enough that I'd feel awkward mentioning it to him.

Amazon a- to z- Nov 23, 2021

If you can get a 50% hike externally, *and* have peaked growing at your current role (i.e. there's little chance to justify getting double your TC externally to interviewers), it's time to move anyways.

i like lc Nov 23, 2021

id be happy hate 1:1s

Verizon diamond28 Nov 23, 2021

The mind can be our greatest asset or liability. Given its the holiday season and post merger, he may be busy. Let’s wait until you meet with him again and ask what’s up and if he’s working on anything major and care to share given he has cancelled 1on1. Also, when planning for your future, weigh in other factors independent of your manager. Albeit important, manager is merely a component in the overall puzzle. Job advancements and raises still depend on your performance and recognition from reviews which could be a combination of peers, manager and senior leadership whom you have impacted and built relationships. Don’t think of it as if he’s ghosting you. You will be fine and good luck! Happy thanksgiving.

The Nature’s Bounty 52Mbb OP Nov 23, 2021

Thank you for the advice! Will work on thinking about it from a different perspective. Happy Thanksgiving!

Verizon diamond28 Nov 23, 2021

Additionally, he might also be figuring his footing and trying to impress the new stakeholders post merger. It’s always a shit show with m&a.

Amgen dataguy5 Nov 23, 2021

Find a mentor in the company He might be busy and trying to get an answer for next position, perf review before having the 1:1

Rocket Software eggplant. Nov 23, 2021

my manager keeps rescheduling, never had a 1:1 for almost 6 months now, wanted to sit down with him to set goals for my performance review, he rescheduled that as well