Congratulations to President Trump on officially winning the Republican nomination today. Today is a BIG WIN for American patriots, and for the world. The American people can no longer stand for open borders, political indoctrination, the woke mind virus, or the America last policies that have festered under Biden, who is the worst and MOST CORRUPT president in the history of this country. As a result, record numbers of great American Patriots—many of them first time voters in the Republican primary—turned out for President Trump in a total and categorical repudiation of the left’s radical, destructive, and fascist agenda. What the left did to trump—bankrupting him, going after his family, attempting to imprison him with hoax after hoax—is totally abhorrent and in desecration of this country’s values. We won this primary contest despite the most extreme communist and fascist election interference attempts this country has ever seen. And this November, we will win a LANDSLIDE ELECTION VICTORY against crooked Joe Biden. The elites, the matrix, and the opposition party media will NEVER stop the America First, Make America Great Again grassroots movement—the greatest movement in the history of our country—from restoring safety, prosperity, and freedom to America, or from making America into the GREATEST NATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. MAGA!!!!!

Woven by Toyota Code.Leet Mar 12

Trump's incumbent meeting at the White House:

Google proudclown Mar 12

Where’s womxn and trans representation?

Woven by Toyota Code.Leet Mar 12

Women in the kitchen, like senator Katie Britt here:

Okta ToddsBlind Mar 12

Ok bro

NVIDIA qBQn04 Mar 12

Thanks for helping us identify the racist.

Tinder fobiano Mar 12

You are dumb

Okta ToddsBlind Mar 12

> As a result, record numbers of great American Patriots—many of them first time voters in the Republican primary—turned out for President Trump in a total and categorical repudiation of the left’s radical, destructive, and fascist agenda 😆 Calm down there buddy

Flexport lolcopter2 Mar 12

Lol Trump is gonna lose and eventually be on house arrest. Can't believe we're getting another old af person for president but here we are

Google hi there_ Mar 12

I do think it’s funny seeing Biden circle around and taking stances that the left blasted Trump for and everyone cheering him on. Like this: What’s that? When Trump was doing it, building a wall was racist. Biden said his administration wouldn’t build another foot of it.

Reddit aYePeeOH Mar 12

LOL! Election results 2024 will be like this - Dumph went down, that evil clown, to face incarceration.

Microsoft Demirf11 Mar 12

Landslide? He will likely lose the popular vote again but just get past 270

Amazon puppykitty Mar 12

You made me dumber for reading this word diarrhea.

Woven by Toyota qtwyx Mar 13

I hate another Biden term but your post looks like it was written by Trump himself. Look at all those random caps. lol. with slight help from chatGPT.