IndiaMay 25

Questions on Gandhi

Can any Gandhivadi answer these questions on Gandhi? Nothing to attack anyone. These questions come up whenever I read about Gandhi. He was my favorite leader in childhood as my knowledge about him was limited to textbooks. The more I explore the more questions come up. 1. If partition happened in the name of religion then why did Pakistan become an Islamic state and India a secular instead of Hindu nation? Why did Gandhi not raise an issue here? 2. Why did Gandhi say, let them kill as many Hindus as they want but we will not kill any Muslims? 3. What were the reasons for choosing Nehru over other leaders? 4. Why did Gandhi fast for the rights of Pakistan? That even after partition and after so much bloodshed.

Google troog May 25

You should be asking this in Quora or to GPT. You're in wrong place.

Amazon fe45v6 May 25

Gandhivadi trying to deflect the question or divert the conversation. This is the topic "India", if you don't like it then unfollow.

eBay yyutiuy May 27

Google you have easily ignored the post and moved. However, you choose to comment. Amazon is right on money here lol

Google sbzhue83 May 25

finally someone noticing important things about Gandhi. To summarise Gandhi an overrated politician and a hype. He largely went unscrutinized and corrupt historians took opportunity to make career writing about him.

Google sbzhue83 May 25

More you dig deeper you will find how fake and impractical his thought process was, which eventually led to permanent conflict and irreparable damage to the Greater India.

Microsoft mardi93 May 25

I would suggest you read about Gandhi. His thoughts are still relevant today.

Goldman Sachs ileeterate May 25

Why put effort, when we can simply watch 4 YT videos and make a judgement about events that happened around 80 years ago. Reading can cripple your thought process, so choose wisely.

Ribbon Communications TatTvamAsi May 25

He made a kitchdi by conflicting spiritual life with worldly life. The inner attitude that one adopts should be equal visioned by seeing the same Self in everyone, but the actions that you must perform in life should be according to righteousness and not destroy and sell the nation to literally those after your blood.

Reddit piedpipery May 25

You could start with why Gandhi called off non-cooperation movement after Chauri Chaura incident. That explains his thinking. Gandhi evolved over time, but was right mostly.

Amazon fe45v6 May 25

Why isn't Gandhi's thinking applied to Ukraine or Gaza conflicts then?

Google tsunami. OP May 25

Palestinians should kill themselves before Israelis reach them. 72 hoors are waiting. Why worry? - legendary Gandhi to Gazans

Uber uber-drive May 25

More you read about him you will realise Nathuram Godse should be real Father of the Nation , Someone who killed fake politician.

Deloitte coomii May 25

Ye zyada ho gya thoda lol

Google pb3veha May 25

Name one thing attributed to Nathuram Godse. No it can't be anything to do with murdering the Mahatma.

LinkedIn dhywonzh May 25

He is a creation of British empire. Project him as peasant while being a British implant to fool people. If he really so peace lover, why did he allow sending Indian men to fight in WW2 on British side?

eBay yyutiuy May 25

Take your German shepherd somewhere else

DoorDash TCdigga May 25

I’m sure not every decision that Gandhiji made orb everything he said was right. He too must have made many many mistakes, biggest one in my eyes was not saving Bhagat Singh and his accomplices. However, his biggest contribution was the peaceful transfer of power and unification of most of India. Let me clarify by peaceful transfer I’m not discounting the colonial rioting that took place. Without Gandhi and Congress and there could have been a vacuum at the center once British left which cud have let to a civil war which has been the case with most nations post independence for many new nations. I’m sure many people will disagree with my views but hope y’all can respect a different view

GlobalLogic 1💍ToRule May 25

And this Tsunami loser is back again, bro this is probably your 15th post if not more here which is speaking literally mangalsutra and some sh*t. Can your loser ass get the f off this platform. And all the other idiots who respond to this guy, in case you still haven't figured out. This guy works for the BJP IT cell. How he got the Google handle, probably working at a google call centre or an outsource. Someone who posts day and night anti congress, pro BJP propaganda. Or are you idiots really that dumb ?

Google tsunami. OP May 25

Lag gayi 💣💥

GlobalLogic 1💍ToRule May 25

MEITy ke liye kaam karte ho ya phir Home Ministry ? Which one ? Im genuinely curious. More inclined towards Home Ministry as it comes under Amit Shah, who's basically a "Gunda" in a politician's robe. A wolf in sheep's clothing to put it better.