
Upstart now?

Seeing some openings at upstart. How has morale and internal comms been since layffs?

Upstart Upazon! Mar 31, 2023

Pretty shit. Also you won't get a 4 yr grant, it'll be year to year.. they'll bait and switch you if you're not aware.

Upstart BLUH70 Apr 1, 2023

What’s wrong with a 1yr grant. It helps so that you not locked in at a bad grant price for all 4 years. Every year you will earn what you was supposed to get.

Upstart chxnugget Apr 2, 2023

You are at the mercy of the company to decide how much you get and how hard you work. Giving more and more extreme “stretch goals” to meet. Or if the company isn’t doing well they’ll just screw us over like they did with the bonus.

Upstart AOC2024!!! Mar 31, 2023


Upstart Fear_Nut Apr 1, 2023

You can pretty much tell it from the usernames people have. 😂

Upstart blindUpst Apr 1, 2023


Upstart up2 Apr 2, 2023

It is turning into a mini Amazon. If you get in the right team it’s fine.

Upstart biaQ27 Apr 6, 2023

Don’t think team matters you will still be impacted by the đŸ’©amazon culture in one way or other.

Upstart abiw35 Apr 2, 2023


Upstart chxnugget Apr 2, 2023

Dumpster đŸ”„

UPS dvks67 Apr 3, 2023


Upstart falooda123 Apr 5, 2023

Bruh if you join this đŸ’© company, I will personally punch you. Even after these warnings these ppl still want to join shit shows

Upstart vyijs4785$ Apr 7, 2023

classic Blind filled with complainers but won’t quit. It’s great to work at, you learn a lot and the people are smart and kind. I’ve enjoyed my time so far

Upstart falooda123 Apr 7, 2023

If people anonymously are saying this - there is truth to it. I wish someone would have told me before I joined. You are the anomaly not us.Also check upstart reviews on blind ratings

Upstart chxnugget Apr 7, 2023

What does complaining (answering honestly) have to do with quitting? Some of us have mortgages to pay and mouths to feed and can’t just quit when we want to even tho the culture is toxic AF. If I had known them what I know now I would not have joined Upstart.