PoliticsJul 25, 2019
Microsoftpaiaj pane
Lyft done2 Jul 25, 2019

@google where do you stand on this?

Lyft done2 Jul 27, 2019

Deafening silence

Activision Blizzard Metzen Jul 25, 2019

I watched the video. What did you think he said that was interesting?

Microsoft paiaj pane OP Jul 26, 2019

"Putting an extreme bias on certain sites. For example CNN is one of the most commonly used in Google news." That ok? At the same time while CNN is sinking in viewership and it's obvious how biased it is.

eBay eyxitsjtj Jul 25, 2019


Lyft done2 Jul 26, 2019


eBay eyxitsjtj Jul 26, 2019

Search is driven by Indexing content, SEO techniques implemented by sites, personalization, and contextualization parameters at the time of search. Saying ā€œdonald trumpā€ surfaces CNN 20% of the time is just dumb. What if CNN has tagged every single new article with Donald Trump keyword!? What if Donald Trump was trending topic at the time of search (oh wait - when is it not! ), what if CNN page load speed is lightning fast than any one else, what if CNN has better site map than any others out there that interlinks content, and there are million other what ifs that need to be controlled for before saying Google Search is biased. Pfft... statistics 201, SEO 101. I am pretty sure no one goes into Google algorithm and tunes CNNs hyperparameter higher in favor. It all depends on how good the site performs and those set of parameters are tuned by CNN themselves, not Google. Other sites failed to do their job and blame google that they donā€™t rank well. Some msft dude commented below about him having cursory knowledge then heā€™s qualified to speak - all of this above that I mentioned is just barely scratching the cursory knowledge.

Oath puSc85 Jul 25, 2019

Do you work in Bing

Accenture bindok Jul 25, 2019

Bing is supreme pron search engine though

Amazon lolw0lf Jul 25, 2019

Jeez. Is Microsoft filled with such lunatics?

Microsoft muskular Jul 26, 2019

No we just arenā€™t filled with SJW šŸ” sucker. Works out ainā€™t it?

Amazon lolw0lf Jul 26, 2019

I don't know dude. Amazon has plenty of conservatives who come across as rational people. But whenever there's a post from a Microsoft conservative, it comes off as a reactionary loon's ravings.

Google eK8vhD Jul 25, 2019

In b4 "administrative leave"

Microsoft MSFTBRO Jul 25, 2019

lol @ project veritas

Microsoft paiaj pane OP Jul 25, 2019

Keep pushing and lol-ing!

Microsoft MSFTBRO Jul 25, 2019

Yes sir! šŸ˜‚

Facebook lkj630 Jul 26, 2019

This guy doesn't even work on search.

BBES88 Jul 27, 2019

That is a lame excuse which might work on the brain dead lemmings in the world, but not on anyone with any sort of logical thought.

Facebook lkj630 Jul 27, 2019


Flagged by the community.
Facebook lkj630 Jul 26, 2019

Can't believe people are donating to this What did he think was going to happen by speaking to the press, unauthorized? All tech companies are really clear on this.

Uber Developed Jul 26, 2019

Itā€™s bizarre. He has a theory without any proof. He works on assistant, not search. Search is personalized. Different people will see different things. I do believe google results in an echo chamber, but thatā€™s based on user behavior. Canā€™t see him returning to google.