
Rathi,Sreenivas (cto,svp) fired from Expedia because they are from same village in Andhra?

Nepotism caused firing?

133 Participants
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Dell moreno0 May 18

Better be something other than nepotism.

Snowflake ex-aviato May 18

Looks like they’re making room for diversity

Dell moreno0 May 18

Someone at @expedia has to spill the beans

Expedia Group nosurveys May 19

We (normal employees) know what you know. Very curious though.

Dell moreno0 May 19

Someone always knows

Ethos Hqb1ds May 18

Corruption scandal.

Dell moreno0 May 18

say more

Ethos Hqb1ds May 18

Kickbacks from vendor staffing companies.

Citibank OutofMem May 18

They were sleeping with each…

Dell moreno0 May 18

Say more. How did they figure it out?

Amazon BeerusGoku May 18

Of all the reasons, this is probably the most unlikely. I am guessing it is some kind of collusion to personally benefit from an Expedia deal or something of that sorts.

Uber bаgger May 18

They boinked

Expedia Group yaiyaiyaya May 18

She did the needful sars!

Expedia Group Half.Moon May 18

What is sars

Expedia Group yaiyaiyaya May 18

Lurk more BC

Expedia Group Half.Moon May 18

Wide variety of speculations. It would be good to get a confirmed reason from someone who knows. My guess is on getting kickbacks from India vendors or moving jobs to India or inappropriate slack conversations mocking someone up at the top.

Expedia Group zovO28 May 18

Our pager duty deal was very poor and not negotiated much.

Expedia Group GfWf26 May 18

My first thought as well, knowing she's on their board. And seeing the deals she tried to make with other vendors it was clear she was a liability to the company. Glad to see Ariane cleaning house.

Expedia Group qURQ71 May 19

My take: Corruption. The whole buy vs build thing was introduced just to make room for SasS products which can supply kickbacks for some of the leaders in EG.