
Resume help needed for EA role in tech

Hi, I’m not having any luck when I apply for jobs and I’d love it if anyone here can provide me with feedback on my resume. At one point I paid a professional resume writer but still none of the resume versions I’ve used have resulted in interviews. Here’s a bit of context: Following COVID my EA duties diminished, but I was open to learning and helping other teams and I ended up joining another team. Now I help manage third-party questionnaires and help the legal department with contract filing in addition to some EA duties (calendar management), hence the title change to Project Manager. In 2022 I took the Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) training and got certified, in an effort to continue learning and explore other options but nothing came of it. All open positions require experience, which I lack. The reason for my job hunting is that I know I can contribute and add more value to a company than simply filing and filling out forms. I feel stuck and I think my time with my current employer has ran it’s course but quitting without having another job lined up would be foolish. Below is my resume. Thanks in advance for your help. #resume #resumereview #executiveassistant

Samsara turdyefje Apr 30

Get rid of your summary. Are you an AE or a project manager? I understand trying to market yourself as being able to manage projects, but it’s just confusing to have that. Pick one or the other.

ssLu38 OP Apr 30

PM - I will try your suggestions. Thanks!

Amazon slickkdice May 2

There is a lot of constructive feedback I can provide .. Loose the summary. Those committees add NO value, unless you can list projects/impacts you accomplished thru them. Most of your bullet points look like copy pastes from Job Descriptions. This is a huge red flag, because I have seen/hired EAs that have articulated a lot more impact with much less tenure. This may come across a bit harsh …but this reads like a pencil/paper pusher “led high-profile projects from inception to completion” …what projects? What impact? What was the problem statement? Feel free to DM me

ssLu38 OP May 3

This type of feedback is what I was looking for, and I really appreciate it. Someone pointed me to an extensive resume-writing guide on Reddit, and I have a new version. Will DM you. Thanks!

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