Work VisaMay 17

Corporate America Has Abused the H1B Visa Program

The program was created to bring in experts but the program is being heavily abused. Companies have hired H1Bs to do things like manual QA work. These jobs do not require subject matter experts. They’ve been brought in to increase the supply of labor and lower labor costs. These programs hurt American workers and the only way to stop them is to ask our government to take some kind of action to protect American workers.

Deloitte blumpkin May 17

Amen brother! 🇺🇸

T-Mobile MBHv82 May 17

Eh, I'd love to see numbers that H1B holders are taking jobs that Americans can fill and driving down labor costs. I say that as someone who agrees with you at face value - it certainly FEELS like that's what's happening, but I haven't seen anything to back up those feelings. Logically speaking, I'm not sure why companies would do this. I'm fairly certain it is far more expensive to hire someone and sponsor their visa than it is to hire locally. And don't the visa holders have to be paid at or above a certain income threshold? Maybe there are tax advantages I'm not aware of. This really just FEELS like we're all upset with the current tech labor market and the difficulty in finding a new job, so we're blaming the easiest thing to point a finger at.

Accenture govjob OP May 17

Companies don't require to sponsor Visa. Desi consultants take the fee from desperate individuals and file for H1b. Then, that desperate individual works for desi consultant and take contracting jobs which US citizens can easily do.

EY highwyRdr May 17

There are no tax advantages. The only benefit is this gives control of the salaries to the companies instead of Americans. Example: Let us assume the visa minimum salary for a job posting is 100K. The same job, in the market is running at 150K. No American would take the job at 100K. But a foreign national would, and the company saves huge amount of money, even after sponsoring visa.

EY highwyRdr May 17

Has the Program been abused? Yes. When Billionaires can find loopholes to not pay taxes after earning billions a year, they abusing a visa program for their own benefit is just nothing. Has the US and the average US citizen benefited from internationals? Absolutely yes. Internationals pay the most amount of taxes, with limited freedom and benefits than an average American Jon Doe. So please stop blaming internationals for how they are hurting American workers. Blame your own capitalists. We are just making use of the opportunities available to us.

Accenture govjob OP May 17

What limited freedom and benefits are you talking about. Do you want US citizens to fund for unskilled labor around the world????

Investment Bank Glinda May 17

The amount of taxes paid are the same for the position regardless of whether a citizen or visa holder has the job. In fact, a citizen may pay more because the salary is potentially higher.

Dynetics ZhIb6% May 17

Most companies are abusive, not denying that, they take advantage of everyone anyway they can; including H1B knowing you need a job to stay. However, I have trouble sympathizing with the minimum wage requirement of $60,000 (many places pay much higher) meanwhile our own citizens have poverty level minimum wages and we too have to deal with lowballing, refusing to mention salary till final round, etc. Overall if you get accepted and job with H1B it’s a good life opportunity, these companies shouldn’t be abusive, but it’s your choice to deal with it compared to other options.

Accenture govjob OP May 17

Companies are not abusing. Desi consultants.

Coupang hCNC88 May 17

H-1B should be for American companies to hire foreign workers, not for foreign companies to move their existing workers to the US. B and L visas exist for that.

Credit Karma ird61064 May 17

The H1B isn’t an expert visa. It is a qualified temporary worker visa. The 0-1 is the expert visa.

Accenture govjob OP May 17

Go and look around consultancies around new jersey , texas filled with garbage masters students who are abusing opt/h1b. they cant even code simple programs and call themselves software engineers and they hire proxy candidates who gives interviews on behalf of these frauds and also these fraud masters students hire proxy candidates even to perform their job . Please fight against these fraud people. Talented people are always welcome to this country

Accenture govjob OP May 17

We don't want garbage people here. Some telegu students are also caught stealing. These people will have kids, and go to the same school where honest people fund these schools.

Amazon kim🧛 May 17

You’re in your head too much

Accenture govjob OP May 17

Go back to your state telugu guy.

Amazon kim🧛 May 17

Lol I googled what that means. I’m a citizen, so keep wallowing in your presumptuous world you retarded 💩eating loser

Meta fishtank🐟 May 17

I think at least companies that did layoff should be forbidden to sponsor H1bs for at least three years. It is absurd that companies like Google that just laid off 20k US employees still has the need to bring in more desi on H1B

Arista Networks lYYW16 May 17

Take a look at surge of eb1 for india. No way such a surge in phd applications is possible. Probably desi IT services managers applied for en masse as a loyal cadre reward before anyone like trump comes back to bolt the gate again

Medtronic DEXE58 May 17

True, everyone knows this. Fact of the matter is 75% of these so called high skilled H1Bs don’t even make $120k lmao. And call themselves best and brightest. Visa program was designed to fill real shortages like in advanced manufacturing, doctors etc. Not for being a JIRA ticket pusher , code monkey and meeting organizer which 90% of these H1Bs in tech companies are lmao. Not to mention, once they are in management position by a stroke of luck, they hire only their own kind I’m glad Trump will finally put an end to these frauds once and for all next year. He was about to put an end when he increased salary levels at DoL? h1B visa ban and Buy American Hire American EO . but obviously fucking Democrats came in and reversed everything on his first day