MetaGoogle box

Companies leaving Seattle in favor of Eastside???

Meta recently announced getting rid of another office building in Seattle in favor of moving more employees to Bellevue. I also saw an article that Google is downsizing their Fremont office. Amazon continues to expand in Bellevue Are other companies doing this too? Why so much movement to the Eastside -- it's way less affordable, horrible housing options, and poorly connected by transit. Very boring area unless you're married with kids. TC: 320 #rto #seattle #bellevue

Meta richаrdhea Mar 7

Brainwashed lemmings.

Google hLSg30 Mar 7

I guess because of freaking Seattle liberal politics to support the homeless by extra taxing big corporations.

Meta zzzyzzz Mar 7


Microsoft hY74hCi Mar 7

Yep because Seattle is mismanaged

Amazon cpt.dingus Mar 7

lol how is eastside less affordable than Seattle? Your commute from Bothell, Kirkland, Redmond would be very easy and there’s tons of affordable options, it gets cheaper the further out you go.

Meta Google box OP Mar 7

Eastside is far less affordable. Houses are minimum $1.5m and the apartments for rent are way worse per dollar than what you get in SLU. This is contingent on not owning a car and living somewhere that there's actually anything to do outside. I don't drive, and even if I did Meta plans to make parking paid again (iirc it was $16 per day pre-pandemic. Too expensive to go to the office every day as I'd prefer). Redmond and Bellevue are excruciatingly boring. IME it's almost impossible to meet people in their lower/mid 20s who aren't from a different continent.

Microsoft top kek 🤣 Mar 8

Meta requires you to pay for parking? MSFT has a massive garage on west campus, just built out a massive garage in the new east campus and parking is free. Guess that’s the price of free lunch

Meta qeertyuuk Mar 7

I love this direction, nothing disgusts me more than an idea that I would need to commute to Seattle for work

Microsoft ridetrue Mar 7

Let's do more. Seattle is a cesspool

Meta Google box OP Mar 7

Have you been to Seattle recently? It's actually cleaned up a ton over the last year.

Microsoft ridetrue Mar 7

Cleaned up relative to Seattle in 2022 this time of the year. When the conversations turn into Bellevue vs Seattle you have point, until then NO

Microsoft bb9e Mar 7

You should leave meta and join a company with offices in seattle . Vote with your feet .

Meta Google box OP Mar 7

Already work from the Seattle office, but my team has moved to Bellevue

Meta Google box OP Mar 7

Ah this feels like the first real answer. Thanks!

Amazon banker77 Mar 7

People don’t like being surrounded by crime, meth, and homeless people. Total shocker, right?

Amazon he3is1 Mar 7

Amazon is building a new HQ in FL.


Amazon he3is1 Mar 7
