Is it possible to study MS at Columbia and work full time at Meta?

Started at Meta recently, and got accepted to Columbia MSCS couple months ago. 25, single, in the Bay currently. I am thinking I would want to do full time school and full time work because I don’t wanna drop the rsu’s and not a fan of having to eat ramen every night on student budget (half joking). I can go full time remote in Meta but have to move to Manhattan and attend in person for Columbia. Has anyone done full time work and school, and if so how was your experience pulling it off (workload, adjustment, etc)? Tc 305 Yoe 2.5 #swe #meta #mscs #engineering #bay #nyc

NetApp ElAnonimo May 7, 2022

40.575078, -105.328381

Meta nkhk7p May 7, 2022

It’s an ordeal

StockX smellydev May 7, 2022

I did a part time masters while working full time. A few others I work with did as well. It was definitely a grind, but doable. Don’t take more than 6 credits a semester IMO or you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. Who cares if it takes you 2 years to complete. It’s a marathon.

Barclays PLC 38dhh May 7, 2022

Which school ?

StockX smellydev May 7, 2022

Prefer not to because it’ll dox

Qualtrics YS0SRS May 7, 2022

Is the MS in CS program at Columbia evening class or weekend program? Also, congrats being accepted into the great MS program. At 25 you are going at a warp speed in your career, mad respect.

Apple bigmoveson OP May 7, 2022

I don’t think I can enforce any schedule so I would imagine it’s all over the place, morning or afternoons

Qualtrics YS0SRS May 7, 2022

I mean, in that case, I’d check with your manager at Meta first to see if you can work more flexible hours.

Coinbase coinbaes May 7, 2022

masters is a complete waste of money, personally wouldn’t do it and balancing that with a full time job would be a nightmare

Amazon booomer69 May 7, 2022

Just like bachelors was a waste of time to Gates and Zuckerberg. Congrats that your career got going after bachelors, but don’t make it uncool for others to advance theirs with masters.

Coinbase coinbaes May 7, 2022

OP already has a job at Meta, what’s the point of going through courses that have little to no applicable value and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a participation trophy?

Google MVMVVMMVMV May 7, 2022

Did MS CS at columbia. U *can* if u cherrypick easy courses but whats the point then. The courses are not super challenging but def. need some effort for core courses.

Apple bigmoveson OP May 7, 2022

Did you do the MLAI track? I saw the dept catalog and looks like you can customize the courses yourself?

Google MVMVVMMVMV May 7, 2022

Choose a track and customize within the track requirement. I would recommend vision robotics track which is basically ML track with more leniency. No one cares which track u do.

Yubico khaleesiii May 7, 2022

What are your professional goals? That’ll help give suggestions. Obviously it’s probably difficult. If you’re at Columbia, the most value from a masters is going to come from networking and connections outside of class. If you spend all your free time working full time you’re not going to be able to take advantage of the social network and opportunities available.

Apple bigmoveson OP May 7, 2022

Very valid point. I’ve always had masters in the plans for myself so it’s kinda weird for me not to do it. I’ve been accepted to other solid MSCS progs before and I’ve been dodging them but i if don’t take this one, I don’t I’m gonna do it again.

Microsoft shipw May 7, 2022

You’ll have no life if you try to do both.

EXxr73 May 7, 2022

I’d recommend choosing just one to pursue. Don’t half ass two things. Full ass one thing.

Google swaspirant May 7, 2022

Columbia anything is hard I did a hybrid master's from b school and engineering school If it weren't for the b school courses, I'd have been deported lol CS is her time intensive Is it part time like executive ms CS?

Apple bigmoveson OP May 7, 2022

Nah it’s the typical MSCS

Google swaspirant May 7, 2022

Some classes are like 8 in the morning You have to stay on UWS Travelling is a pain Since u won't be living like a immigrant student You'll have to shell out min $2k in rent