What jobs to apply. YOE < 1

I graduated under a year ago and currently work in defense. I am trying to switch into tech and I am looking at jobs currently. And the only ones I seem to fit are new grad positions. Do recruiters care that its not precisely correct? Any reccomendations on job hunting at this early position in my career would be very helpful.

Amazon rasp56 Sep 17, 2019

A lot of companies treat you as a new grad if you’ve graduated within two years

The Aerospace Corp. bkxG05 OP Sep 17, 2019

Ok will apply

Northrop Grumman northgrum Sep 17, 2019

Get a masters degree and stick it out for like two more years and then hop

The Aerospace Corp. bkxG05 OP Sep 17, 2019

Can you elaborate why you think that?

Northrop Grumman northgrum Sep 17, 2019

I probably should have asked if Aero Corp pays for degrees before saying that. If they do, take advantage of it. If they don’t and you see no other reason to stay, 🏃🏻‍♂️

Autodesk leetboba Sep 17, 2019

Capital one because they give interviews to everyone

The Aerospace Corp. bkxG05 OP Sep 17, 2019

Ayyy lmao. I did interview with them on the east coast for an internship

Autodesk leetboba Sep 17, 2019

They’re good for warm up interviews.