
How do i prepare for Full stack engineer role interview at

Hi, I recently received a test invite for Full stack Engineer role for amsterdam location. I need to complete it within a week. First round is on hacker rank and there will be only one project based question. Can someone help me how can I prepare better for this round. I'm brushing up my Vanilla JS, HTML & CSS and express JS skills at the moment. Is this enough ? I need to complete it by Wed. Can I ask the recruiter or Hiring Manager for an extension to better prepare for the interview ? YOE : 3yrs TC : 10LPA #engineering #software #interview

Salesforce magmus Feb 13, 2022

How'd you apply and receive the test invite? Not sure about full stack stuff but good luck op.

not_stark OP Feb 13, 2022

applied through careers 2 weeks ago tkUdstb Feb 13, 2022

DM me if you want referral

JlK_ Feb 20, 2022

Any news, how it went? Whas problems you were solving?