HousingMay 3

Single family home for sale union city 94587

moving back to India, purchased this home last year, absolutely loved it and did a bunch of upgrades too 3 bed, 2 bath, 1205 sq feet, 4700 lot. Asking 1.3M Serious enquiries only #housing

Instacart YdOP30 May 3

lol no Zillow link no photos This is the funniest post since those Fwb posts

Meta hevsbw OP May 3

Not posted on Zillow yet, looking for off the market buyers

Instacart YdOP30 May 3

Not with the bare minimum of info listed here…

Amazon ksksjsa May 3

1200 sqft and city name I don’t recognize for 1.3m?????

Meta hevsbw OP May 3

Bay area Union City 94587

Cruise crazzzzy! May 3

Met your FIRE goal with Meta boost?

SoFi Agdjhs May 3

Zillow link?

Unity cybertruq May 3

Is this a joke? You sound like you’re selling tomatoes - not a house.

Meta hevsbw OP May 3

Well if you think it's a joke, you can enjoy the humor

Instacart YdOP30 May 3

My offer is 5 magic beans.

Meta hevsbw OP May 3

I haven't posted on zillow yet

Roblox nzqX51 May 3

Hey, can you dm me the address?

InMobi stuckw/ads May 3

I'll pay 1.299M OP. How do we make this happen?

Microsoft zhAe04 May 3

Why selling so soon ?