
Successfully completed job search after layoff with 5 offers but feeling full of regret. Mixed feelings now 😞

Context: was laid off with 4yoe earlier this year Went through job search initially, failed a few onsite due to weak system design and LC Took 2 months to study, did another round of interviews, landed 4 offers. Accepted one with 255k TC. Exciting work, seems like a fun place to work. Going to start next week, and tiktok came back with an offer of 320k TC. The cash they are offering is more than 255 😞 Now I've lost all excitement about the job I'm starting. Feel like I'm giving up a lot of money to work here and I'm going to be underpaid. Also I feel tiktok would open more doors in the future give the scale of the product and the things ill learn. On the other hand I feel a confidence boost that I could land so many offers in this market where many peers are struggling. How do you guys navigate these situations?

Salesforce aurhdba May 23

Tik tok future is up in the air, go with safer option

Meta regreatf OP May 23

Yes but they make up for the risk with an extremely high cash heavy offer Plus I feel they would open many more doors for me in the future in terms of opportunities given the scale of their product On thebother hand I think I will enjoy the lifestyle at thud company a lot more. Hate this shit. But having no offers would be worse. So I'm completely torn emotionally

ByteDance gaKK48 May 23

Its simple do you like more money or hate the job search. Because with tiktok you might be searching for job again next year.

Amazon ato0 May 23

Why you dont go with tiktok? Thisnis the business , sorry I got something better, bye

Meta regreatf OP May 23

It's not just money here's how I see it: Tiktok pros: More money Better opportunities after Other jobbpros: More interesting work No late night meetings No Chinese docs or meetings with translate Better culture and lifestyle I gotta decide between these factors, it isn't a clear choice even if reneg is on the table

Two Sigma Mangoes39 May 23

A bit curious on this - why would tiktok necessarily give that many more opportunities v ur current role?

lyNY02 May 23

Start working in New company and use your preparation and confidence to crack more interviews. May be you will get better offer than tiktok. There is no end to how much you can earn so don't get upset about current situation and think about possibilities. Ask Tiktok recruiter about how long the offer will be valid? Change again after few months.

Meta regreatf OP May 23

Yeah let me see if they keep it valid for a few months Man either choice there is some regret. Hate this so much

ThoughtSpot TSWho? May 23

Tiktok is know to have terrible culture and wlb. Why not start the upcoming job and keep interviewing? Move in 4-6 months. Tiktok won't open any more doors, Meta already did that for you.

Meta regreatf OP May 23

See my breakdown of pros and cons in my comment above

Google okdinesh May 23

How long will meta open doors for on his resume?

Meta jens0n May 23

Are you sure you are underpaid?

Meta regreatf OP May 23

Dude when a company offers you 25% more you become underpaid. At least in your head

Meta jens0n May 23

Then you need to fix your head. Seriously, thinking less of this kind of thing makes you happier. Otherwise you keep regretting options you don't take and thinking of "what-if's".

ByteDance srefaw1 May 23

trust me you don't want to come here

Meta regreatf OP May 23

Pls tell me more so I don't feel as bad I feel tiktok would open more doors in the future plus the high cash comp is so tempting

ByteDance srefaw1 May 23

you already listed them - wlb, culture, chinese documentation is dogshit, potential ban which risks layoffs what's the point of higher cash if you might not have a job again 1 year from now? what do you need more open doors for when you already have meta on your resume? especially if you don't speak chinese don't come all costs

Nitorpartners omehpot May 23

By your comments on the replies, seems you already made up your mind to go to TikTok

Meta regreatf OP May 23

No I haven't, in fact I'm leaning to not reneg my current job. But I'm having a hard time letting go of it and not feeling regret

^_^ May 23

don’t be stupid. tiktok is just about the worst place to work. you would regret it so much. of course there’s no quandary here. you can just renege and take the tiktok offer. 5 offers in this environment is utterly remarkable so when you realize your mistake you also will have no problem claiming one of them or interviewing again.

Meta regreatf OP May 23

It's not about renege or not, it's about either choicebi make I will feel regret and how to navigate that I listed the pros and cons above in the first comment response

Instacart iaintlying May 23

The drain on your mental health working at Tiktok is worth way more than $65k a year pre tax. You will understand better when you have more money.

Amazon nnnqqq May 23

Bro you have meta on your resume and you’re hung up on TikTok?

whodisnew# May 24

Is meta good?