
TIL: 99% of Blind posts...

... have nothing to do with tech or being an SWE. The majority of posts are the same 10 people sh*t posting the same right-wing nonsense. We could discuss new technology in the field, trade coding tips, or discuss interesting things the biggest/strongest tech companies are doing, but instead 99% of all posts are "hurrr durr Biden Trump vaccine". Absolutely mindless repeating of garbage people saw in their Facebook or TikTok feeds. I could have these same mindless conversations with any idiot on the street. To fight this nonsense, I'm going to post this interesting video. It shows how a video game I grew up playing got around Apple's memory limitations. It is simple, but it is fun and related to what we all do for a living.

How Prince of Persia Defeated Apple II’s Memory Limitations
How Prince of Persia Defeated Apple II’s Memory Limitations
Ars Technica Videos
Amazon UsQp52 May 17


Amazon PaperBags OP May 17

380 TC

Salesforce breeza May 17

Loved this game as a kid

Zoodfood FghyoS May 17

Best Game in the world

Amazon PaperBags OP May 17

I can't believe how simple it was to create the shadow character! Only 5 minutes to create one of the most legendary villains. He drove me nuts as a kid. XD