I hate my girlfriends fashion sense

It's to a point where I feel embarrassed to be out with her. I don't even know where she gets these ideas from. Long denim jean dress with weird patterned socks and ballet shoes? She didn't dress like this at the beginning of the relationship but now a year in she has changed. I'm just a plain t shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. Would like someone who dresses more plainly. I'm surprising by myself that something like this is bothering me so much and don't mind if it's a random stranger like this but for some reason I am finding in a relationship it's coming out. Something wrong with me?

Meta mm_to_ge Apr 14

Break up with her and let her live her happy life.

Google bubble pop Apr 14

Is she from Seattle?

JPMorgan Chase qq_oo_pp OP Apr 14


NVIDIA cmcnsjjxm Apr 14

Brooklyn folks are known to have flair

Microsoft gambling Apr 14


Amazon jajajjaja Apr 16

And lld also

nS6Fj7 Apr 14

Talk to her about this peacefully and respectfully. If she doesn’t want to change, then you go separate ways. Not a big deal. Different fashion sense.

Apple nTAz02 Apr 14

Sounds like she looks pretty cool tbh

EcRf75 Apr 14

"Long denim jean dress with weird patterned socks and ballet shoes" honestly doesn't sound that weird?

Oracle JDutton Apr 16

Easier to change outfits than figures.

Amazon mommyMeow Apr 16

Sounds like she has a better fashion taste than you, more experimental and unique. You sound bitter and jealous.