Alibaba CloudElon..

Unpopular Opinion: Nvidia Has Peaked

If it wasn't for the stick split, Nvidia would have tanked. The stock has peaked and it's all downhill from here. Google is the biggest competitor to Nvidia (Software, Hardware, Network) and if they manage to replace their useless CEO, they can pull ahead of the game. Not to discount Meta, X, AWS and numerous other players. Good luck suckers

82 Participants
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ex-Flexport lolcopter2 May 22

This didn't age well

Mizuho taalman1 May 22

What changed in last 2 min?

Google OrangeGod May 22

How is Google a competitor to Nvidia? Your statement could well be right, but the thought process is riddled with bad assumptions and random vibes.

Alibaba Cloud Elon.. OP May 22

I am no expert. Refer to Dylan Patel (Semianalysis) who has a fact based commentary on it. In summary only Google has the hardware and software chops to compete with Nvidia

Meta zuckscuck May 22

All companies that provide computing will be more and more valuable in the future, not just Nvidia cuz we will always need more and more of it

Pure Storage vYlb01 May 22

Not necessarily the companies will be more valuable. There can be more and more compute for the same price.

Alpha_7 May 22

It's hilarious to hear people say this after they watch Nvidia run. Until recently, most people considered all hardware companies, including Nvidia, as just regular commodities.

Uber geubr May 22

But Google won't replace the CEO. Replacing him with a non-Indian may provoke India to create their own Google.

Meta zuckscuck May 22


Meta jzLr75 May 22

ChinaCloud sad they haz no GPUz

Alibaba Cloud Elon.. OP May 22

Can't reason an argument on facts, so attack the messenger. Liberal voter spotted.

NVIDIA NVDA$1000 May 22

This is the exact same sentiment people had about the Internet in 1994 when it first started growing. The market kept roaring for another five years. The bubble will pop eventually. We might not even be in it yet.