How to not get caught when having someone else perform my 2nd job?

I have 2 200k software engineering front end jobs - I want to hire someone to do all the coding work for one of them for me, I’ll handle the meetings. Any advice on how I can have them gain control of my screen without the company noticing? For context, the laptop rules seem really strict - Cisco anytime connect VPN, Okta phone pushes or everything daily, internal App Store to download stuff or I have to turn on “admin mode” in Privileges app to download anything and that laptop is remotely managed. Maybe I pay for a VPN near me, or TeamViewer, or VSCode Liveshare extension idk

Bloomberg happier4 May 3


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Google blindly__ May 3

So just copy all of the company's existing code to a private repo for the employee to work in? Yeah that's a bad idea. Also, what about code reviews?

Transformco obsidianfr May 3

This has gotta be a troll but just incase it isn't: -You can get sued and/or prison time for doing this pending on who you work for. -Trade secrets aren't something to mess with. -You can be held liable for any malicious work your coding buddy does (I.E. backdoors)

supra23 OP May 3

No you cannot go to jail, you’d just get fired. Ever heard of Overemployed? Lots of people are doing this you broke boy.

Zscaler Gigajesh May 3

But they normally don’t outsource the work right?

Transformco obsidianfr May 3

OP learn what the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 is and what it did. Again, you can ABSOLUTELY get prison time for this. You can also be prosecuted under wire fraud and mail fraud statutes too.

Google alpaca 🦙 May 3

Smells fake

Lucid Motors tRAR30 May 3

OE and having someone else do your job are two different matters…the later is illegal

Western Digital AnalogEast May 3

Well, maybe free housing for the dude who work from your home?

PayPal hksbdb May 3

So I work for two competitor banks. I handle all the work myself. Should I be scared of anything like going to prison? Fine if I loose jobs but prison is scary.

Transformco obsidianfr May 3

This is like one of those situations where you probably shouldn't be doing what you're doing. Two companies in the same industry? Okay fine. Sketch but you'll probably be okay. Two companies in the same HEAVILY regulated industry? Yikes.

MindTickle testerwe May 5

why don't you hire someone and ask him to relocate near your place that way you can smoothly talk and communicate with each other and you also have the advantage that in case of emergency and prod issues, you can take his place and vice versa.