IndiaMay 21

WAQF = WTF 🀯🀯🀯🀯

India has the WAQF act which allows any land to be taken over by Muslims and the case can't be fought or heard by the courts either!!! How is India secular? Why isn't India called an Islamic sultanate like it already is?

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Meta heskkew May 22

Another Hindu extremist propaganda post by siyaramkhal idiot

Google siyramkhal OP May 22

This Pakistani is obsessed with me. He keeps following me everywhere πŸ˜‚ Bro nahi dunga tujhe. Jaa Kisi pathan ka choos

Google siyramkhal OP May 22

Also @other people reading the post, see! Pakistanis and anti nationals love WAQF and don't want to hear us discussing or criticizing it

Ribbon Communications TatTvamAsi May 22

As per the WAQF Act 1995, WAQF board can claim any property as WAQF regardless who the owner is. Here are some key points of the WAQF act made understandable in simple language. The Waqf Act was initially passed in 1954 but was later replaced by a new version in 1995, granting more powers to Waqf Boards. (Ruling party : Congress) In 2013, further amendments to the Act gave Waqf Boards extensive powers to acquire properties without legal challenge.(Ruling party : Congress) In 2014, the Congress party transferred 123 prime properties in Delhi to the Delhi Waqf Board using this law, resulting in the loss of land for Hindus. (Ruling party : BJP) Currently, there are more than 8,54,509 properties under Waqf Boards, covering more than eight lakh acres of land. Section 3 of the Waqf Act, 1995 allows the Board to claim land based solely on its "thinking" without requiring any proof. If the Board claims a property, the owner cannot go to court but must approach the Waqf Tribunal Court. Section 85 of the Act makes the Tribunal's decision final, unchallengeable even by the Supreme Court. Section 40 of the Act shifts the burden of proof to the landowner, making it extremely difficult to contest the Board's claims. Many Muslim countries do not have equivalent Waqf Boards or Waqf Laws. Only exclusive to India it seems. Sources: The WAQF board in encroaching properties right and left here are some un biased articles of what they do. They don't even care for fellow Muslims There are no such boards or acts for other religion or communities like Sikh, Christian, Buddhists, Hindu etc. This straight up appeasement policy for Muslims. Minority Ministry is only for Muslims and not for other minority communities be it BJP or Congress, while Congress were the ones to pass many such appeasement acts and laws for Muslims. No hate for them, but in a Secular country there is no place for giving special priority one community in our Constitution. Congress' current manifesto reeks of those things if we see it carefully. These are one of the many reasons BJP take advantage of instigating communal hatred and difference. Congress started this, BJP skillfully took advantage of that for its own. A recent case

Google siyramkhal OP May 22

Facts! Thanks for sharing.

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Google siyramkhal OP May 22

@others See how the average Pakistani educated Muslim thinks.

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Cadence F@SCIST May 22

So make all bad ones good.