WFH & RTOMay 17, 2023

WFH Debate new Angle He’s almost right on. This WFH going to destroy US cities. Even if Laptop Class don’t realize in an economy everything is cycle. When cities get destroyed at some point it’s going to impact their jobs as well. May not be immediately, but at some point definitely. Given Office Buildings debt is $1.1 trillion, if banks need to write them down. It will be a financial mess. Update: Comments show how retarded general blinders are and have no idea of how economy works. And trashing on a guy who made thousands of dollars to these same blinders (either in 401k, in ETFs or directly from Tesla stock).

Tesla CEO Elon Musk: ‘The laptop class is living in la-la land’ over work-from-home
Tesla CEO Elon Musk: ‘The laptop class is living in la-la land’ over work-from-home
G Insider May 17, 2023

Lol. A billionaire telling the working class they’re the problem and have no morals. 🤡😂 Btw, this guy’s family also made their money from the apartheid.

Mailchimp Beachin May 17, 2023

This was debunked by Mythbusters

G Insider May 17, 2023

Which one has been debunked? Elon’s morals or his cars? 😂

Google spinsugar May 17, 2023

G Insider May 17, 2023

Lol gottem. A photo of two upstanding moral citizens 😂

Zoom KcyC46 May 17, 2023

That’s a prime example of the morals he lives by

MFmz74 May 17, 2023

When you work from home you won’t use any transportation (e.g. a car, maybe an electric car). You get it. Do you?

Amazon yTtn11 May 18, 2023 My dude reveals his true motives in the same interview ffs

UGoa00 May 17, 2023

Maybe convert office buildings into condos to address housing crisis, instead of these executives having a corner office on 30th floor while running away from children and wife.

G Insider May 17, 2023

Let’s not brainstorm immoral ideas here like solving the homelessness 🥴

Palo Alto Networks didndj May 17, 2023

😂😂.. you don’t know both how economy should work and how it actually works …

Disney Streaming Services LsXh28 May 17, 2023

Roku yyzk May 17, 2023

What a moron

Twitter free_check May 17, 2023

Elon simps in coming in 3….2…

Microsoft limbabwe May 17, 2023

Idiot. Problem is, incapable middle management looks at this guy as if he's Jesus.. "Return to office.. bEcAuSe eLoN sAiD sO."

Palo Alto Networks didndj May 17, 2023

That financial mess will wipe out more than 80% swe and other jobs …

Google uh 😐 May 17, 2023

Everything is a culture war battle when you get twitter brain