
Product Interview at ClickUp

Anyone interviewed or work/worked at ClickUp ( I’m hoping to get some tips to pass a second interview round for a product manager job where I’ll be asked to ideate on how to improve a product on the spot (won’t be provided with use case beforehand). Any tips or resources anyone can share would be greatly appreciated.

bfibks Jul 22, 2022

This sounds like a basic product sense/design type question. Have you heard of the CIRCLES framework? These are the bread and butter of PM interviews. Depending on when your interviews are, you should consider hiring a coach. I didn’t land my PM role at Meta until I did. Feel free to DM me for more info

yellothar OP Jul 22, 2022

Thank you so much for the tip. I’ll look it up—-my interview is in a week so I have time to brush up.

bfibks Jul 22, 2022

Best of luck! I’d do mock interviews if you can with experts. I didn’t land offers until I worked with a FAANG PM coach who helped me. Stellar peers and other peer interviewing sites will waste your time since it’s the blind leading the blind. Just my 2 cents. Happy to share more info if you’d like

First American mtLi56 Jul 27, 2022

I just completed this round. The VP of Product sent me a link and had me log in to a staging environment where I walked through the product area I would be working on with them on screen share. I was given a brief overview of the capabilities and then asked to walk through everything that was described and give my thoughts. It did not seem like a traditional product sense interview, but felt more like an opportunity to see how good my eye for detail was and how good was my understanding of UI principles. Maybe they were looking for some bold ideas as well, but honestly you only get 20 mins and that’s barely enough time to orient yourself. Perhaps if you are someone with a lot of experience working with similar workflows you can quickly assess the situation and speak deeply to what is needed, but that wasn’t the case for me. My advice would be to brush up on UI principles and spend a couple hours walking through the product space you’re interviewing for to identify gaps and predetermine some innovative, bold improvements. I would think that is the best way to give yourself a leg up. I won’t be getting hired there and honestly I don’t think they will have the courtesy to contact me and let me know they won’t be moving forward. Was a very odd interview process where they forgot about me for a couple months and, due to prod issues at my current job, I was not able to prepare for the interview at all, winged it, and gave some pretty miserable answers in the behavioral portion. Interviewer had also showed up 7 minutes late and cut me off mid sentence to close out the interview. Not many interviews I’ve walked away from feeling so ineffectual and unvalued, but, as I said, a big portion of that was my fault. Key questions were: “tell me about an important, high visibility product you worked on” and “tell me about a time you had to make a quick decision without all of the evidence”. Good luck.

Amazon mnmk30 Aug 22, 2022

Did you ever hear back from them?