What would you feel if your report works on side hustle

I am an L4 SWE and have been working on a side thing with my cofounder for 5 months now. We are starting to get customers so I will quit upon funding. But currently I am in this weird period where I am working 8 hours for Google and 8 hours for my own after work. This has impacted my performance slightly at Google due to strenuous schedules If you have a report like this, what would you feel?

55 Participants
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Google soyou OP May 25

Schedule is like 9-5 at Google, 6-2am at my own, sleep at 3-8am Has been like this for the past 2 months

Amazon gshsk May 25

this is not sustainable in the long term for your health. But hey, we only remember the days when we burned the midnight oil

B8igx9o May 25

I too want to do something like this, any tips how u so motivated

Snap panser7 May 25

Excited. If it is OnlyFans!

Microsoft MegamanG May 25

I would keep quiet about it at work. Perception is reality. Impressive that you’re actually putting in the full 8h, so make sure not to create any excuse to downplay that. As long as you are pulling your weight I don’t think anyone will care. Seems like you could almost start to coast a bit to make it more sustainable given that you are planning to quit anyway. The world is small though so I wouldn’t push it to the point of burning bridges.

Tesla AllGasNoKW May 25

Demand more pay package from your current company (at least 25% more so that you would have enough skin in the game but not enough to make you a liability) and tell them that you would leave taking all the 'knowledge' with you, if they don't budge.

Google hunterone May 25

You’re still probably working more than your teammates so 🤷

Databricks bhx4 May 25

FWIW, unless you disclosed it to the company, they technically can claim to own all the work you're doing in your own time, especially if it's anything that's related to Google's business (which is, basically everything today)

^_^ May 25

don’t give a shit. if my report isn’t performing i just pip them. don’t feel bad or good about it. why would i?

Amazon blind monk May 25

I'd not talk about it to anyone at work especially your manager not to protect your job at Google, but to protect your startup. Nobody cares until you are successful. Then everybody cares. Let's say you build the next OpenAI and become wildly successful. Google comes knocking saying hey you were employed by us when you were working on this, IP belongs to us. Lawsuit city. Something no startup founder needs as a distraction.

VMware livluvlaff May 25

Eat free food 🥑🥝 and relax

Amazon notBlinds May 25

As long as they show up for work and do the needful at their respective roles, just let them be.