Which area are you looking to buy home?

TC 🥜

77 Participants
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ftUq57 May 1

You asked this in prob the worst community to answer lol. If you’re fully remote and just wanna move to a major city look at states without income tax like TX or FL. If you want (relative) LCOL then Atlanta & Denver ain’t bad (altho both have income tax). Obv rural gets muuuuch cheaper but based on your voting options you might not be interested. Disclaimer: I’m in Atlanta & $400k TC feels like a million bucks here: great culture, great people, always something to do, & great monthly savings contribution. Don’t get trapped by HCOL internet ppl

Samsung gangsOfNam May 1

but surrounded by crime and rednecks

ex-Amazon ohdbdj9 May 1

Which ATL based firm is paying 400k?

Toyota txcowboy🤠 May 1

Where do you work?

Google coder_pad May 1

I’m increasingly inclined to move to Austin

ByteDance Worker996 May 2

Good luck!