Would Muslim Voters Ditch Biden?

I understand why Muslim and Arab voters don't want to vote for Biden in November but if they do that wouldn't it just help Trump win which is no better and maybe worse for them? What is the best thing that Muslim and Arab Americans during this election?

Databricks Unity😸 May 3

Biden 👴

Microsoft sauce12 May 3

The amount of foreign influence on this app is wild today, Russian, Chinese or Hamas?

Flexport Chatterson May 3

??? Care to explain?

Microsoft sauce12 May 3

Foreign influence spreading misinformation or using sensitive topics to draw support away from one side on social media prior to an election is a textbook move. There’s a lot of that going on today

Apple JVfF80 May 3

I am Indian and I will for sure vote for Trump. Don’t want my kid grow up to be a professional Victim.

Expedia Group nadaaqui May 3

so to make the point, you vote for the ultimate victim? lol.

Informatica lolnewacct May 3

The right winger habit of voting for the thing they claim to hate is so fucking weird. The ONLY message Trump has campaigned on this election is that he's a victim.

Salesforce OatmealCup May 3

Yes. Neither candidate will make a difference in the end of the day, but at least if they vote against Biden, even to a third party candidate it will make it clear to any future candidate that this is not a topic to be handled the way it has been. If Biden loses Michigan and it costs him the next election. Democrats will think twice if there is a next time. Not an immediate win, but that’s the point of democracy isn’t it? to have your voice heard.

eBay Tiox20 May 3

Now I'm a conservative and I hope the Dems follow your advice because it is extraordinarily bad. Catering to a tiny minority when the vast majority is against it is an even bigger losing strategy. No point in gaining few 10s of 1000s of votes to lose millions. It would simply make more sense to permanently abandon the tiny minority, shift right, and try to siphon votes from the Reps. The US is pro Israel and this won't change in this generation or the next.

Salesforce OatmealCup May 3

Muslims are generally more conservative, the only reason they voted for dems recently is because of Bush’s war in Iraq

Apple subi07 May 3

Muslim voter population is not as significant.

Salesforce OatmealCup May 3

Not in general, but it is in Michigan. A swing state where 1% matters Trump won it by 11k and Biden won it by 154k. There are 240k Muslims in Michigan. It’s winner take all with electoral college

eBay Tiox20 May 3

The US is a naturally conservative country because of its spread out nature and diversity and liberalism is held up only because of the outsized power and influence of the liberal Jews. Catering to the Muslims will lead to significant losses elsewhere. At that point, they will lose MI anyway and other states as well. It would simply make more sense to shift right.

Meta meldleieñ May 4

Muslims: against lgbtq, against abortion. For illegal immigrants they may want their people to come in, but I doubt they like the open southern border for everyone. Then having the multiple of wars going on and the current U.S. regime provide support for what the Muslims don’t like to see. And record high inflation, gas price, grocery, etc. Honestly I don’t think anyone would support this current regime if they have any brain cell. No matter what religion they are in.

NVIDIA VoteDem🗽 May 4

I wouldn't be surprised if some did 😁

Meta meldleieñ May 4

NVIDIA VoteDem🗽 May 4

Yes, I know that Blind has been hacked and another person is posting with same handle. Already reported it 10 times, but they are clueless about security or maybe one of their employees is damaging their reputation 🥱

Google MHxz10 May 16

Do blinders really think Muslims who lived through the terrible first term of trump, the Muslim travel ban, moving the embassies, the open racism, etc, that they'll sit in November and risk having him back? Keep dreaming.

Apple yfuvhjj May 16

does not matter what blinders think, it matters what muslims think, and it's true, we will ditch biden. I mean biden has said "allowing blacks to integrate would create a racial jungle" and even worse things on racial differences. So, Trump is much better.