PoliticsOct 2, 2022
Square IlIllIllI1 Oct 2, 2022

LOL usually conservatives on blind have lots to say but it’s πŸ¦—πŸ¦—πŸ¦—

VMware vm..where? Oct 2, 2022

At time of disasters no one should bring politics. As s state sent representatives, both have all the right and more importantly the duty to keep thier constituents safe and recover from this natural disasters!! This applies to all the states not just red or blue.

Convoy v5tcx Oct 3, 2022

Maybe look at his reasoning for voting against FEMA funding https://news.yahoo.com/florida-sen-marco-rubio-says-165927651.html? Rubio voted against a $60.4 billion bill for Sandy relief in December 2012, but supported an alternative $24 billion measure that failed. In January 2013, Rubio supported a $9.7 billion aid bill, but not a $50 billion bill. He basically wanted relief purely for disaster but sneaky Democrats add in pork to help their causes at the time when people are in need. Good for him being consistent and maybe try digging more than a layer this is frankly embarrassing level of trolling

Yahoo jtOQ68 Oct 3, 2022
