
Airtel X labs culture

Hi, I have came across so many articles on blind talking about poor culture in Airtel X labs. I have an offer from Airtel fresher, so should I look for other offers or join Airtel. Also is the culture at Airtel that bad? And how is wlb and growth?

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InMobi wdxN22 Jun 28, 2021

Which team you are going to join ? ex- Airtel here, My experience is very Good and happy.

Nr47 OP Jun 28, 2021

I haven't got onboarded yet, so don't know the team as of now

esfire Jul 4, 2021

Please don't join any Airtel group companies. Airtel is well known for its bad work life balance. You will be ordered to work late night, it not unusual to get a call after midnight and work on something called "urgent" or "business priority" for stupid things. You will have mental and physical health issues if you don't adapt with the culture. Manager and HR will threaten you with termination and bad review or even legal cases to abide with them what they ask you to do.