
What should I talk about in a 1:1 with a GM

Asked for a 1:1 with a GM in another org and got it on the calendar but now I am stuck on what I should talk about to make sure the 30 minutes is meaningful. I want to hear more about plans for their org. Share some of the things I am doing. And down the road would like to find a role in their org as well. I am currently in a field role and interested in more corp go to market. They have a couple of hundred people reporting to them. Do I do 5 minutes who I am and here is what I am doing now that helps their org. Do I ask for quarterly syncs or ask for new people to speak with. Do I just say I want an opportunity in their org? How do I cement a network connection here for future opportunities. I am later in career but get a lot of anxiety being visible and building connections and trying to be better at that.

Oracle KingMahesh Mar 30

Ask them what they recommend to be promoted to Partner as that is now the new level 65 at Microsoft.

Thomson Reuters imRobot! Mar 30

Current deliverables, any challenges or headwinds, and possible options to drive impact.