Big US tech companies hiring more in India!??

I'm seeing a lot of linkedin posts recently from Managers and VPs of Amazon, Google, Microsoft hiring and expanding their teams in India than in the US. Is it because the attrition rate in India for such big companies have increased because of vast number of opportunities or are they shifting their team more offshore after the layoffs for relatively cheaper resources?? Anyone who might have some insights want to share their thoughts?

Adobe MenKiBaat👨🏻 Apr 20

Iteration rate? Sure.

Discover Financial Services HelloUserr OP Apr 20

I mean why not? If all the big tech companies are hiring more in India, people would be moving from one company to another!

Branch 👻👻🎃 10 Apr 20

So you mean attrition?

Walmart shtup Apr 20

They are okay to hire same race with same or little less quality for 1/3rd price.

Salesforce D. Luffy Apr 20

Not less quality, definitely better quality. Because level of interviews in india are relatively higher than that of US.

Amazon tWWA60 Apr 21

Eventually the low quality catches up to you. It's all cyclical we've seen it before

Zuora B.Police🚨 Apr 20

India having layoffs as well

Amazon XkjQcf7R Apr 21

Even cheaper

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bOehJs Apr 21

The poorest farms in Alabama have better infrastructure than the richest cities in India 🤭

Amazon CloudQuest Apr 21

Ha. Better to be a farmer than a corporate slave in India.

ex-Amazon $me||ybutt Apr 20

Cheaper offshore. These 500K to 2M salaries couldn’t be sustained for a long time

Coupang mkaq85 Apr 21

Why not, company profits are going up even after paying 500k salaries. Stop thinking companies pay more than you deserve. They always pay less ..

ex-Amazon $me||ybutt Apr 21

You and I think that we deserve more. However Companies and shareholders are always looking at ways to increase profit and reduce expenses. Everything from automation, QA to operations can be run offshore for 1/3 rd the cost.

Amazon Selector Apr 21

How are you in financial services and don't understand the fundamentals of companies being able to hire 3+ devs in India vs 1 in North America

Amazon XkjQcf7R Apr 21

Because OP works at an unknown financial service company.

Google v_dur Apr 21

I can confirm Google is. My org has like 100 openings right now because it's cheap labor (sorry for being brutally honest)

Amazon pxlwzrd Apr 21

Quality can vary on either side, but cost is definitely the driver. Time differences add friction, which can partially be mitigated by hiring enough for a colocated group. So, in general speed, efficiency and cohesiveness are traded off to carve out an area of work to be owned and delivered at least semi-independently with less responsiveness, but also much less costs.

Google v_dur Apr 21

Depends on how you structure the project. You can fully execute it locally. Quality is definitely a concern. I think it's just gonna get better. For the money Google or Meta pay, you will get top talent anyway so I won't be much worried

Google VwIB55 Apr 21

1/4 quality for 1/3 of the price

Google sondar Apr 21

I'm sure Sundar has nothing to do with that...

General Motors CxmR10 Apr 28

He just announced stock buybacks and dividends

Amazon XkjQcf7R Apr 21

The latter.