
Offer Evaluation From Qualcomm, Intel and Infineon

Received an offer from Qualcomm, Intel and Infineon. Experience - MTECH + 6 YOE + 2YOE (non embedded) Qualcomm India TC Senior Engineer Fixed - 22.6 + Retirals RSU - 30K USD (3 yr vesting) Joining Bonus - 7L Cash Bonus - 5 to 20% (employee performance based) Intel India TC Grade 7 Fixed - 25.2 + Retirals RSU - 36K USD (3 yr vesting) Joining Bonus - 6L Cash Bonus - ~18% (company performance based) Infineon India TC Sr. Staff Engineer Fixed - 35.5 + Retirals RSU - 28K EUR (4 yr vesting) Joining Bonus - 20L Cash Bonus - 13% (company performance based) NXP India TC [it was long before. Just posting for comparison] Software Engineer (G2L) Fixed - 25.7 + Retirals RSU - 15K USD (3 yr vesting) Joining Bonus - 15L Cash Bonus - 2.56 (employee performance based) Current TC @ Samsung Staff Engineer Fixed - 25.8 + Retirals RSU - NA One Time Bonus - 5L Cash Bonus - 5.5L All in all feels Qualcomm is paying the lowest of all. #semiconductor #embedded

76 Participants
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RedHulk Jun 2, 2022

Yearly cash bonus? Isn't that on top of fixed?

Samsung maddy1993 OP Jun 2, 2022

Yes updated the thread

RedHulk Jun 2, 2022

Thanks. Did you try negotiating with them or these numbers are initial offers?

NVIDIA ptspps Jun 2, 2022

Create a poll. Intel looks good

NVIDIA gogoro121 Jun 2, 2022

Infineon is way too high on base and JB

TI desigal! Jun 3, 2022

Infineon base and JB is really good.. Infineon being an European org will have much better wlb. If the team/profile in infineon is good, I would pick that.. If it's the initial offer negotiate with them on stocks and you will be good

Qualcomm Jun 3, 2022

Your Infineon Salary is Mind Blowing considering your experience. But I would suggest to negotiate an offer with intel, they will surely match Infineon's offer. If Yes, go for intel otherwise try one more round of negotiation with Infineon and accept it. Qualcomm offer is pure shit

Qualcomm smileq Jun 5, 2022

Hi op .. which one are you joining

Qualcomm notfree Jun 7, 2022

Go for Infineon only if you prefer wlb over learning, since they are miles away from the newer/upcoming technologies.

Google promo_deny Nov 20, 2022

Same shit everywhere. Atleast, in Infineon, Op will learn more as there won't be complete automated flow

Xilinx versal10 Jun 8, 2022

How come infineon has started paying this good? Has it always been the trend or something new has happened within the organization? Infineon folks please comment.

Qualcomm notfree Jun 8, 2022

Left Infineon few months ago, they have lost so much senior talent already that now they are ready to pay anyone. Literally anyone. If you just roam around in the office space, you would rarely find experienced folks, seems more like a university now filled with interns and freshers. A simple example, 2 YOE guys are getting 'Staff Engr' positions. Funny :)

Xilinx versal10 Jun 8, 2022

Yeah its sound so strange that they are offering such high grade and package to people having such low experience. I am unable to imagine what could be its repercussions in the long run and how it will impact their career going forward.

Samsung maddy1993 OP Jun 8, 2022

It seems Infineon sr. staff is equivalent to sr. Lead at Qualcomm. However Qualcomm denied sr lead mentioning the less experience. But feel that truth is because the person who referred me is not sr. Lead yet (with 1 more year of experience) that seems to have caused the problem. Otherwise having sr. Lead at 6 years (after mtech) looks to be standard only

Samsung maddy1993 OP Jun 8, 2022

I have seen people with 5 yr of experience are getting sr. Lead title within same group so that looks normal I guess.