Tech IndustryJan 4, 2021
AmazonAmazon HR

Amazon Recruiter - AMA

Previously worked at FB, 2 years. Been at Amazon for 5 years now. Will try my best to answer as much as I can.

Jet GgcE62 Jan 4, 2021

Does Amazon purposely try to have a lot of turnover at the ~2 years of service mark to save on 80% of the stock vesting?

Amazon AWS_noob Jan 4, 2021


IBM xlajduf Jan 4, 2021


Microsoft 👨🏿‍💻👨🏻‍💻race👨🏽‍💻👨🏼‍💻 Jan 4, 2021

What are the instructions regarding a candidate who wants more money? Do you ask for an offer letter? What if they say they don’t get a written offer until they have a verbal one?

Amazon Amazon HR OP Jan 4, 2021

I can’t do anything without an offer letter, may vary by recruiter

Google 🐝 hive Jan 4, 2021

Why are you still there? Amazon is the shittiest place to work for ever. Also, why do you hire a$$hole managers? They are the one take it down to the drain.

Amazon Amazon HR OP Jan 4, 2021

1) stock has grown 5X in 5 years and it depends on your team and tolerance. Most employees enjoy working at Amazon, ~10% do not 2) not up to me

Avanade gitPullAll Jan 4, 2021

Is it possible to increase an offer if a candidate has no competing offers but is worried about the risk of switching jobs during this pandemic? Or is there anything they can say to incentivize you to increase the offer?

Amazon LUX1E Jan 4, 2021

I didn’t join during pandemic, but I wrote a two paragraph letter back explaining my experience and skills required a higher TC (I specified base + shares in letter) and they came back with 2 options higher than original, wasn’t as high as letter but was aggressive enough that showed me they cared.

Amazon Amazon HR OP Jan 4, 2021

Yes, avoid sharing your current salary or expectations that are near it. This will severely limit your ability to negotiate. Next you need a reason, that isn’t just “I deserve it”. You can get a free 10K just by asking usually though. Don’t bother negotiating for entry level positions unless you have another offer.

JsmB74 Jan 4, 2021

most common reason for rejecting candidate before phone/code screen?

Amazon Amazon HR OP Jan 4, 2021

Before the initial screen it is just based on resume and skill mismatch

Microsoft 👨🏿‍💻👨🏻‍💻race👨🏽‍💻👨🏼‍💻 Jan 4, 2021

What does the ATS say when a candidate is rejected in the screening round? If you fail a phone screen, what does interviewer record?

Amazon Amazon HR OP Jan 4, 2021

Can’t share, sorry

Amazon LUX1E Jan 5, 2021

Third A in AMA must be interrupted differently

Sam's Club SrAz28 Jan 4, 2021

Why do some candidates get a 2 year cool down period? How difficult is it to get an interview call after the cool down?

Amazon AWS_noob Jan 4, 2021

Not difficult. You might even have recruiters reach out near/after cool down(especially for 6 months, 1 yr cool down). 6 months 1 year, 2 year cool down is based on the gaps/growth areas identified during debrief and decided by panel(BR)

Amazon irnx83bf Jan 4, 2021

It’s basically arbitrarily handed out during debriefs. I’ve heard people go from 1 year to 2 year because of just one single offhand comment during a debrief. “Oh she said that? Ok well we’ll put her on 2 year recycle instead” It’s stupidly capricious

Amazon AWS_noob Jan 4, 2021

Why did you move from FB to Amazon?

IBM xlajduf Jan 4, 2021

Higher tc. Next

Amazon Amazon HR OP Jan 4, 2021


Amazon AWS_noob Jan 4, 2021

1 thing you like and 1 thing you don't about recruiting for amazon, compared to recruiting for FB?

Amazon Amazon HR OP Jan 4, 2021

Like at Amazon having much more funds to spend on “recruiting” and don’t like having less TC to give compared to FB.

Amazon stonkin Jan 4, 2021

1 hour later and still no answers from OP. Y’all got ghosted again by an Amazon recruiter 😂

Amazon irnx83bf Jan 4, 2021

Where’s the customer obsession

Amazon hiQK14 Jan 4, 2021

Clearly not insisting on highest standards