Tech IndustryDec 11, 2020

Maybe I should have accepted $ABNB. This made me cry today :( How much did I lose?

The offer was in Nov 2018. The price mentioned was $120 per share at that time if I remember correctly. I didn't accept because of the risk involved and lack of liquidity. I was a new grad then. I heard there was a stock split too, not sure. How much did I lose? :(

Amazon wuFv30 Dec 11, 2020

You lost all of it.

Facebook TCYOE Dec 11, 2020

You lost roughly 650K paid out to 2022 (included refreshers), but I don’t know you’re current stock from Google so maybe it’s not too bad

Qualcomm UghWhyTho? Dec 11, 2020

You didn’t lose anything. You avoided risk as a new grad and went to google. Get over it

Amazon cwtfycb Dec 11, 2020

You lost money for certainty. Just move on man.

Facebook vikx46 Dec 11, 2020

Boo f*cking hoo. How much longer are these posts going to go on for?

Amazon Feetcode Dec 11, 2020

Everything is 20-20 in hindsight

Facebook pscnow Dec 11, 2020

1000*150(too lazy so rounded up) = 150k That's what you've lost.

Google yAKt67 Dec 11, 2020

Getting tired of these cry baby posts

Square qyrC83 Dec 11, 2020

They did 1-5 split so you would have 1800x5x141=1.2m

Airbnb InCW61 Dec 11, 2020

pretty sure it’s 2 for 1 stock split. Which makes it about 520000. But op got stocks at google too, and they have also appreciated a lot since 2018

Magic Leap xU4al Dec 11, 2020

This is as sad as the friend who goes to Vegas for the first time and keeps repeating he almost put money on that roulette number that came out

Square qyrC83 Dec 11, 2020

Not really, OP had the chance to decide whether to accept DoorDash offer or not, so it’s 50% chance he will get rich, but chance of winning lottery is 1 in a million

Magic Leap xU4al Dec 11, 2020

1/37 FWIW. You take the risk or move on, no point on looking back knowing the outcome