
AWS Associate Data Scientist (L4) vs. Aetna Senior Data Scientist

Education: Masters YOE: 6 (no big tech experience) Having trouble deciding between these 2 offers. AWS is a big name, but the offer seems under-leveled for my experience. Putting salary aside, what are your thoughts? Comments welcome! #datascience #analytics

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Google blimey$ Jun 10, 2020

Numbers ?

vcjD02 OP Jun 10, 2020

I wanted to get a sense of what the community thinks based just on position, prestige, future potential, etc. So I left numbers out.

Google blimey$ Jun 10, 2020

It depends on the Tc. As such L4 is low for your YOE but if the salary compensates it may be worth it

Walmart wassupdog Jun 10, 2020

โ€œPutting salary asideโ€ - Blind only cares about it

Aetna p_101 Jul 3, 2020

What did you decide?