
Joe Biden: "Obama the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean"

Least racist president ever Don't take it from me. Take it from CNN (Clinton News Network). "In the article published Wednesday, Biden is quoted evaluating presidential rivals Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-New York, former Sen. John Edwards, D-North Carolina, and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois. His remarks about Obama, the only African-American serving in the Senate, drew the most scrutiny. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man.""

Bidenā€™s description of Obama draws scrutiny -
Bidenā€™s description of Obama draws scrutiny -
Meta uXry41 Mar 5

Voting for Trump?

SpaceX -MAGA2024- OP Mar 5

I'm voting for the candidate who is not a radical left communist and marxist warmongering dementia-ridden puppet of the globalist deep state matrix, yes

Meta uXry41 Mar 5

That describes most candidates

Google proudclown Mar 5

Thomas Sowell would like a word with Joe.

SpaceX -MAGA2024- OP Mar 5

Thomas Sowell's mere existence, let alone his body of work, contradicts basically every single racial narrative of the radical left, which is why he was cancelled and suppressed a long time ago. Same with Carol Swain

Meta thatwhat Mar 5

Thomas Sewell never ran for President. Biden was referring to mainstream black Presidential candidates before Obama.

ex-Bank of America devintech Mar 5

Let me sum it up for you: f trump f biden f their voters f IDF (correct name ITF) free Palestine

Apple HaddHaiBC Mar 5

F you

Walt Disney rQvf67 Mar 5

I'm voting for you ex BofA

Microsoft noobhere Mar 5

Obama isnā€™t even African American, a U.S. slave descendant and theyā€™ve been doing all 3 of those things even when whites werenā€™t allowing it e.g. learning how to read.

Google Lowāš½šŸ„ŽšŸ€āš¾ Mar 5

Bro is just a couple steps away from falling off the flat earth šŸ˜­

Snowflake Snow Brick Mar 5

Relax, people vote against Trump, not for Biden. Racists remarks are not OK, but still better than selling American interests to authoritarian regimes. Why would America need European allies and 1.3 trillion trading balance when it can have Trump instead?

Meta thatwhat Mar 5

This is not new. This came out during Obamaā€™s 2008 campaign. Musk and Trump fans think they uncovered some big secret. Heā€™s right. Obama could vary his accent a lot based on the audience because he had experience in both cultures. He went through an identity crisis because he was black in appearance but was raised by a white mother and grandparents which he has written about in his book Dreams from my father. For the slow ones at the back, the previous mainstream black candidates were Rev Jesse Jackson, Rev Al Sharpton, who had very different accents from Obama.

Amazon pipmedaddy Mar 5

Well he's not wrong

Meta qgBD15 Mar 8

Obama is not black. He is 100% white. He just looks black.