Tech IndustrySep 25, 2020

New grad offer Wepay v.s. Akuna Capital v.s. Amazon

I have a verbal offer from Wepay, and I just gave a onsite with Akuna Capital today(went okay to well), I will give an Amazon onsite in 1-2 weeks. What should I choose if I land on 3 offers? Thanks. #offer #tech

129 Participants
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Kohl’s Mr. Manly Sep 25, 2020

What are the numbers ?

Kohl’s Maggggg Sep 25, 2020

If you make poll, can you briefly tell why. The number of WePay is in the high 100k, close to 200k in the Bay Area. The Akuna is unknown, maybe in the low-mid 100k. Amazon should be standard package if I have one.

Microsoft duck🦙 Sep 25, 2020

Akuna new grad offer was 150 base, 75 bonus, 75 signing in Chicago. Much higher than the others.

LinkedIn Yk5Hcc Sep 26, 2020

Duck, can you share what role that offer was for? Also was it before negotiation?

EMC notaxx Sep 25, 2020

Depends, I interviewed with Akuna Capital for their Data Infra team. It was lackluster. If you're in for C++ dev role, go for it. Else, I'd suggest you see the money they're offering and then decide.

Clari bezos413 Sep 25, 2020

How much did they offer for Data infra team ?

Kohl’s Maggggg Sep 25, 2020

Thanks for the reply. My role in Akuna is Python dev, is it worse than C++?

cMLC37 Sep 26, 2020

Akuna's pretty toxic. But so is Amazon. Akuna isn't that good or famous enough to be a resume boost though so Id go to Amazon even though it's not that great either. Anything is better than Kohls

Goldman Sachs Iamtired Sep 28, 2020

Very good comments bro! Any comments for WePay?

WePay knamaste Sep 28, 2020

I’ve been at WePay for a few years now. Came from a FAANG company, looking for more ownership and impact. Got all of that plus an amazing culture/wlb and engineers to work with. Expect to learn a lot and grow a ton. You won’t find this experience at much bigger companies, plain and simple. WePay’s a breath of fresh air. You won’t regret joining. FWIW, as a new grad, optimizing for technical growth and experience is going to pay dividends as your career progresses. You’ll get that here, no doubt!

Kohl’s Maggggg Sep 28, 2020

Thanks for the post! I have very positive opinions on the work and teams at WePay. I just get curious why in this poll more ppl pick Akuna and Amazon over WePay? Is it just because WePay is a less known than the others?

WePay knamaste Sep 28, 2020

A poll doesn’t tell me much. You’ve got 800k ppl that work for Amazon and who knows how many at Akuna or WePay that use Blind? Don’t discount your OWN personal experience with the companies you’ve interviewed with, that’s going to be far more helpful than any poll. If you have other questions PM me. I’d be to answer any questions you have about WePay.

WePay 2147483647 Oct 10, 2020

Not sure about SREs but <200k sounds like a lowball

Google rcb csk Oct 18, 2020

What offers did you receive and what's the TC

HERE YXeT70 Oct 22, 2020

Did you decide? Would love to know your decision