HousingMay 2, 2018
Dell cmpxch May 2, 2018

after watching https://youtu.be/UTKIT6STSVM im honestly not surprised. Awesome approach to software engineering. Hire the best people and trust them to do the right thing. Congrats.

Oscar dumb|dumb May 2, 2018

I enjoyed the talk and he’a right about “you have a culture problem”. But I think the “open access” model may not work well in industries like healthcare or financial services because of the repercussions. Blindly applying Netflix’s model would be silly. so instead, he is right, make system self service and auditable. Access can be granted and revoked automatically. Wish I could work there - although the work floor seems pretty dull looks like a hotel reception area to me lol

Dell cmpxch May 2, 2018

Oh, for sure, the product I work on has *no* margin for error, which is exiting in its own right but sometimes it's fun to think about working on non-critical systems where you can go fast and break shit :-) I can see the appeal.

Netflix emxv25 May 2, 2018

Recent hire here. I do like it here. I had a colleague in my last company who made life miserable for everyone else, and that had a profound impact on my happiness even outside of work. They are still at the company and will likely never be fired. I’m sure there will be people here I don’t get along with but it feels reassuring to know I’m part of a company whose cultural ethos is to avoid those people, and if they slip through, to fire them.

Oscar dumb|dumb May 2, 2018

How blunt are the feedback?

Google AlphaOne May 2, 2018

How's the koolaid taste?

Netflix Haggard OP May 2, 2018

So good for many many years

Netflix Haggard OP May 2, 2018

Been at Netflix quite long time. Still love this company and Totally agree with the article. As the article says, We don’t have complex processes. This makes us think free. Also this is why we want experienced pros rather than new grads.

Apple John! May 3, 2018

What is your current comp? If you had made it to L6 at google or FB don’t you think you would have made more rather than being stuck at senior

Netflix Haggard OP May 3, 2018

Could be. But no regrets being stuck at senior title. You know it’s just a title.

Salesforce Ahhh May 2, 2018

Would love to work there but it’s too damn far from where I live. No remote options either.

Google AlphaOne May 3, 2018

If you drink OPs koolaid though, everything will be great. It won’t be too damn far anymore.

Salesforce Ahhh May 3, 2018
