Leet code easy medium

I struggle with easy medium as well, i just started leetcoding and I am overwhelmed. How do i make sure that i am setup for success and not tensed due to the quantity of questions there. I am ready to do the hard work but sometimes i feel maybe i am not good at it. Would like to state that i think i am decent at my work and can accomplish work with good quality.

ServiceLink qpzP85 Mar 8, 2021

I haven’t figured it out as well. But I believe it’s better to hone your skills for algorithms while solving leetcode questions. Also one of my friend who has had success in getting good Job offers said that it’s important to mark questions which you found tricky to solve and revisit them once every couple of weeks (leetcode let’s you put questions in some sort of list, don’t remember what it’s called) Best of luck 😊

eBay bkskis OP Mar 8, 2021

Thanks, any recommendations where i can revise algo any good resource

ServiceLink qpzP85 Mar 8, 2021

CTC is a good place to start. And from your other comments I gather that you just started leetcode. I am at ~400 and still feel insufficient. I would say keep solving 2-3 questions everyday and that should hone your skills enough that u would be prepared for interviews in 2-3 months. Don’t be discouraged if u r not able to solve something, understand the thinking process and apply it the next time

Microsoft hero12 Mar 8, 2021

It requires deliberate practice and revision. Keep revising again and again till you are comfortable.

iCIMS Agememnon Mar 8, 2021

Emphasis on deliberate.

Capital One hashes Mar 18, 2021

By deliberate, you mean strengthening pattern recognition and improving weaknesses

Target 👾 queen! Mar 8, 2021

I was at the same stage, what helped me was to keep doing more questions and later on able to see the pattern and apply kind of same logic. How many did you solve till now ? Also do high freq wise to get different and important patterns first. If you don’t want to do freq wise you can do pattern wise like sliding window, binary search , dp etc.

eBay bkskis OP Mar 8, 2021

Thanks for sharing this, I just started this Saturday and wasnt able to any medium so moved to easy but struggled there too đŸ„ș

Target 👾 queen! Mar 8, 2021

Don’t worry I even left doing lc after seeing few dp 😂😂 but later on when I was not stressed , I started doing 1-2 per day and built it upwards. Don’t worry keep at it , also you will be able to see pattern at 150 questions and later after 300 and best is 500+ where you can even do hard at least brute force for sure.

Google Ethereum💎 Mar 8, 2021

You need to start with a proper book like Algorithms design manual. Anyway, takes months to ramp up.

Google oOLO43 Mar 8, 2021

Is eBay that easy to get into?

eBay bkskis OP Mar 8, 2021

Nope got in before leetcode was such a huge thing, 5 years back maybe. But I wouldn’t say the interview was easy back then. I guess i was able to get in with some studies

Microsoft alex5 Mar 8, 2021

Sometimes I take a long time to solve an easy Leetcode, often times I struggle with medium ones. I still got offers from msft and google. Just keep trying . Leetcode isn’t everything

eBay bkskis OP Mar 8, 2021

Thanks i am ready to work hard, just get tensed a lot.

ABB nUNn87 Mar 9, 2021

@alex5. How many questions did you solve Easy/Med/Hard ?.\ Did you do that 75 questions list and 170 questions list? Was that more than enough?

iCIMS Agememnon Mar 8, 2021

I would recommend you check out a YouTuber named Edbert. He has good advice on how to approach interview practice. One point he made, that I agree with but was not doing, is that it's better to focus on one set of problems to get better with them. Bad with graphs? Focus on them an don't skip around doing random problems. In the past I would just do problems I thought would be in an interview, but now I'm trying to focus on problem areas specifically (e.g. Dynamic programming)

Procore scotstots Mar 8, 2021

+1 to Edbert’s channel. His interview playlist is fantastic

Bumble Pzfm75 Mar 9, 2021

Also have a look at this website https://projecteuler.net/archives The problems there should be giving you a basic prep for LC

ASAPP mXJX38 Mar 13, 2021

I started studying leetcode 3 weeks ago and have been pairing it with CTCI. I also felt overwhelmed by how much I had to learn and study in the beginning. Second week was even worse because I couldn’t understand a specific concept/problem type and thought I should just give up. Third week now, and things finally clicked. Had 7 medium problems completed in week 1, 25 total medium problems completed in week 2, and on track to do 50 total medium problems this week. Takeaways so far: 1. Make a commitment to do 2-3 problems a day. Being consistent is extremely important, and you will easily hit 100+ problems in 1-2 months if you do a couple a day. Also, some mediums are easier than “easy” problems and vice versa. Don’t be discouraged! 2. Each week I focus on a different problem type (e.g. arrays/strings, trees, recursion, etc). I think it’s easier to recognize patterns if you do several similar problems in a row. 3. Try to do the problem by hand first on paper! It really helps reinforce concepts, and is much easier to diagram test cases on paper than in an editor. Run through test cases by hand to catch bugs. Once you have a working solution, then plug it in and submit or run test cases. 4. Take breaks. I was sleeping at 3 am each day for the first couple of weeks and my brain felt slow and incoherent. Now I limit my studying to ~2 hours a day, and take at least one whole day off from leetcode each week. You can do other interview prep on the off days like studying system design or practicing behavioral questions. The best part is once you’ve done this grind once, subsequent grinds will hopefully be easier!